Reflections on 20 years of reform: former Constitutional Court chief Jimly Asshiddiqie
20 Years After Soeharto, Interview, LawTo mark 20 years since the fall of Soeharto and the New Order regime, Indonesia at Melbourne is speaking to a range of prominent figures about their views on the reform process. Today we speak to Professor Jimly Assiddiqie, the former head of the Constitutional Court.
Old money: Indonesia beyond cronyism
20 Years After Soeharto, Analysis, EconomyDuring Soeharto's 32 years in power, a small number of privileged business tycoons were able to accumulate extraordinary amounts of wealth. Professor Howard Dick and Jeremy Mulholland look at what has happened to Soeharto's cronies and the relationship between power and capital since the fall of the New Order.
Talking Indonesia: 20 years after Soeharto
20 Years After Soeharto, Human Rights, Politics, Society, Talking IndonesiaWhat have been the key achievements of the reform movement that toppled Soeharto, what are the key obstacles to further reform, and what lies ahead for Indonesia over the next 10 years? Senior human rights activist Usman Hamid reflects on 20 years of reform with Dr Dave McRae in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.
Could violence against the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia happen again?
20 Years After Soeharto, Analysis, History, Politics, SocietyThis month marks 20 years since the riots and violence that erupted in cities including Jakarta, Medan and Solo, and mainly targeted Indonesia's ethnic Chinese population. In light of the recent surge in anti-Chinese sentiment in Indonesia, Dr Jemma Purdey questions whether violence like that of May 1998 could happen again.
Reflections on 20 years of reform: former Australian Ambassador John McCarthy AO
20 Years After Soeharto, Foreign Policy, InterviewTo mark 20 years since the fall of Soeharto and the New Order regime, Indonesia at Melbourne is speaking to a range of prominent figures about their views on the reform process. Today we speak to John McCarthy AO, Australian ambassador to Indonesia from 1997-2000.
Post-reformasi Indonesia: the age of uncertainty
20 Years After Soeharto, Analysis, Foreign Policy, PoliticsIndonesia has achieved remarkable change since Soeharto stepped down. But Professor Tim Lindsey writes that where the country will head next is far from certain, and recent developments suggest its future may be less liberal and less welcoming of foreign engagement.
Reflections on 20 years of reform: Lies Marcoes, Muslim feminist
20 Years After Soeharto, Gender, Interview, ReligionTo mark 20 years since the fall of Soeharto and the New Order regime, Indonesia at Melbourne is speaking to a range of prominent Indonesians about their views on the reform process. Today we speak to Muslim feminist Lies Marcoes.
20 years of judicial reform: mission not yet accomplished
20 Years After Soeharto, Analysis, LawAlthough remarkable progress has been achieved in judicial reform since the end of the New Order in 1998, the justice sector still faces serious challenges, such as widespread judicial corruption. Rifqi Assegaf reflects on what has been achieved, and what has not, over the past 20 years.
20 years after Soeharto
20 Years After Soeharto, Analysis, Human Rights, Politics, Society21 May marks 20 years since Soeharto stepped down, ending 32 years of authoritarian rule under the New Order, and setting off a major process of democratic reform. Indonesia at Melbourne is publishing a range of commentary and interviews reflecting on the reform process and what lies ahead for Indonesia.