Posts with tag: Coronavirus
Community responses to HIV during the Covid-19 pandemic
Gender, Public healthAmalia Handayani, Benjamin Hegarty, Ignatius Praptoraharjo and Sandeep Nanwani write that HIV outreach workers have had to dramatically alter their work practices in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Talking Indonesia: the national health insurance scheme
Policy in Focus, Public health, Talking IndonesiaHow has Covid-19 affected Indonesia's national health insurance scheme (JKN)? Dr Dave McRae discusses issues of access and quality with Professor Laksono Trisnantoro in the latest Policy in Focus episode of Talking Indonesia.
Talking Indonesia: Covid-19 and the military
Politics, Public health, Security, Talking IndonesiaHas the military’s role in countering the pandemic altered the balance of civil-military relations? Dr Dave McRae explores this issue and more with Dr Evan Laksmana in Talking Indonesia.
Can the Covid-19 pandemic boost inclusive education?
Education, Human Rights, LawDr Dina Afrianty, Slamet Thohari, Tommy Firmanda and Mahalli write that the Covid-19 pandemic may force teachers to get up to speed with technology that can improve access to education for students with disabilities.
Talking Indonesia: Covid-19 and the city
Covid-19, Talking Indonesia, Urban planningWhat did 'large scale social distancing' (PSBB) look like in Indonesia's cities? As public space opens up again, how will Indonesia’s urban dwellers respond? Dr Jemma Purdey chats to Dr Amanda Achmadi in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.
Local politics, Pilkada and the pandemic
Covid-19, Elections, Politics, Public healthCan Indonesia hold elections for regional heads in December without leading to a spike in Covid-19 infections, or opening the floodgates to vote buying? Dr Mada Sukmajati examines the risks.
Talking Indonesia: Covid-19 and community engagement
Covid-19, Public health, Society, Talking IndonesiaIn Talking Indonesia this week, Dr Dirk Tomsa chats to Associate Professor Sharyn Graham Davies, Najmah, and Yeni about the community initiatives attempting to control the spread of coronavirus.
Talking Indonesia: Covid-19 and mental health
Covid-19, Policy in Focus, Public health, Talking IndonesiaWhat impact has the Covid-19 pandemic had on mental health in Indonesia? In a special 'Policy in Focus' episode of Talking Indonesia, Dr Dave McRae speaks to Dr Wayan Suriastini about a recent survey on anxiety and depression during the Covid-19 crisis.
Talking Indonesia: Covid-19 and public health responses
Covid-19, Public health, Talking IndonesiaWhy are Indonesia’s case numbers of Covid-19 lower than early modelling predicted? Is testing adequate? What does the future hold, now that restrictions are being lifted? Dr Jemma Purdey discusses these issues and more with Dr Pandu Riono in Talking Indonesia.