Posts with tag: Disability
Will a dedicated human rights ministry improve disability advocacy in Indonesia?
Analysis, PoliciesPrabowo claimed during his campaign that human rights were a key part of his administration’s agenda, encapsulated in his “Eight Goals” or “Asta Cita”. The fifth includes initiatives aimed to develop human resources through science, technology, education, health, and sports, while also promoting gender equality, promising to enhance the roles of women and youth - and people with disability.
Indonesian courts rule to protect the work rights of people with disability
Human Rights, LawTwo recent court decisions offer some hope for people with disability wanting to secure their right to employment.
Can the Covid-19 pandemic boost inclusive education?
Education, Human Rights, LawDr Dina Afrianty, Slamet Thohari, Tommy Firmanda and Mahalli write that the Covid-19 pandemic may force teachers to get up to speed with technology that can improve access to education for students with disabilities.
Deaf students demand rights as a minority language group
Education, Human Rights, Linguistics, Policies, SocietyHigh university drop-out rates for deaf students point to the need for education in their mother tongue, writes Alies Poetri Lintangsari.
It’s time for Indonesians to say goodbye to the ‘supercrip’
Analysis, Arts, Human Rights, Policy in FocusIndonesia is still basking in the success of the 2018 Asian Games and Asian Para Games. Slamet Thohari writes that while Indonesia deserves the plaudits it received, the Games also served to highlight outdated attitudes to people with disability.
Talking Indonesia: disability and education
Education, Human Rights, Talking IndonesiaAlthough opportunities for education remain limited for people with disability in Indonesia, some Islamic universities have taken steps to improve accessibility. In Talking Indonesia, Dr Dirk Tomsa chats to Dr Dina Afrianty about what pushed them to act, and the likelihood that others will follow.
Talking Indonesia: disability
Human Rights, Talking IndonesiaWhat roles are played by religion and culture in perceptions of disability in Indonesia and how do these perceptions influence policy? What is being done, or should be done, to promote inclusion of people with disability? In Talking Indonesia this week, Dr Ken Setiawan discusses these issues and more with leading disability advocate Slamet Thohari, from Brawijaya University in Malang, East Java.
People with disability: locked out of learning?
Analysis, EducationDiscrimination, poor infrastructure and a lack of educational assistance services limit the participation of Indonesians with disability in higher education. But as Dr Dina Afrianty writes, some institutions are leading the way in promoting more inclusive approaches. Photo by Tommy Kristiawan Permadi.