Posted in: Talking Indonesia

Talking Indonesia: East Timor's Great Famine, 1977-1979

More than two decades since East Timorese voted for independence from Indonesia the truth and associated trauma of this conflict-induced famine remains little known.

Talking Indonesia: Prabowo, China and the South China Sea

The past decade has seen the Natuna Islands militarise at a pace, as skirmishes with Chinese military and an army of illegal fishing trawlers challenge the Indonesian navy. Last week, the dynamics of this conflict took a dramatic turn when it transpired that Indonesia had signed a cooperative statement with China that committed to developing the area together in recognition of, and this is the kicker, overlapping claims on the area.

Talking Indonesia: foreign workers

Has the Indonesian government’s concern for Indonesian citizens in foreign lands translated at all to an awareness of the need to protect foreign workers within its own borders?

Talking Indonesia: the papal visit

In this week's episode Jemma chats with Bagus Laksana, the Rector of Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta. He is the author of 'Muslim and Catholic Pilgrimage Practices: Explorations Through Java'.

Talking Indonesia: the history of corruption in Indonesia

Corruption in Indonesia is widely acknowledged to be a complex issue and deeply entrenched in Indonesian culture. However, this overlooks the generally accepted notion among historians that corruption in Indonesia and other post-colonial nations is, at least partially, rooted in colonialism and the abuses of power and wealth during that period.

Talking Indonesia: revitalising Dutch colonial spaces

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In this episode, Tito Ambyo speaks with Remco Vermeulen, a PhD candidate at Erasmus University Rotterdam and coordinator of international cooperation in collection management at the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands.

Talking Indonesia: starting a startup

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In this podcast, Elisabeth Kramer talks to entrepreneur Sujeet Ramgir, who came to Indonesia from India and went on to start a highly successful Indian food 'cloud kitchen' catering to the Jakarta market.

Talking Indonesia: digital populism

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In a time when Indonesian democracy is under threat and protestors against the government are become more and more frustrated, does the internet in Indonesia still have the potential to be a force for good?

Talking Indonesia: farming Indonesia with Rebecca Meckelburg

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In this week’s episode, Dr Jacqui Baker chats with Dr Rebecca Meckelburg, a research fellow at the Institute of International Studies at Gadjah Mada University, to better understand how big state projects for agricultural transformation impact the lives of ordinary rural communities.

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