A Syahsam Dwi Ihza Muhammad Trisnowidodo is a Master's student at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University. His research interests include the development of science and technology in strategic policy and democracy.
A.M. Farul Baqi is a trade adviser at Business France. He has a Master degree in international relations from the University of Indonesia and a bachelor degree in international relations from Diponegoro University.
Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir is a postdoctoral research visitor at the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne, and lecturer at the Department of Sociology, State University of Jakarta.
Abdullah Faqih is an independent scholar from Indonesia, specialising in gender studies, democracy and Indonesian politics. He holds a BA in Sociology from Universitas Gadjah Mada and has accumulated experience with institutions in Indonesia and Singapore. His writings have been published on platforms such as New Mandala, The Conversation, Anotasi and many others.
Satrio is a researcher at the Center for State Policy Studies in the Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University.
Adnan Topan Husodo is the coordinator of Indonesia Corruption Watch. He holds a Master of Development Studies from the University of Melbourne.
Ahmad Bukhori Muslim is a faculty member at the Department of English and Director of International Affairs, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. His research interests include international education and mobility, intercultural language learning, language and identity, Islamic education, and English education in religious studies. Current projects include The Indonesian Democracy Hallmark Research Initiative (IDeHRI), The University of Melbourne, and CALOHEA (Comparing Analysis of Learning Outcomes of Higher Education in Asia), with Groningen University, The Netherlands under Erasmus+ (co-investigator).
Ahmad Rizky M. Umar is a Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Aberystwyth University, UK. He tweets regularly @analispolitik.
Ahmad Syarif is Doctor of International Affairs candidate at School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University. He gained Master Degree from the University of Birmingham, and previously work at BowerGroupAsia.
Aida Harahap is an independent researcher, recently specialising in research on women and politics. She is a casual lecturer in the Anthropology Department at the University of North Sumatera, teaching courses on population, kinship, social organisation, theories of anthropology and economic anthropology.
Dr Airlangga Pribadi Kusman is a lecturer in the School of Social and Political Sciences at Airlangga University in Surabaya. He holds a PhD from the Asian Studies Centre at Murdoch University.
Aisah Putri Budiatri is a researcher in the Centre for Political Studies at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2P LIPI). She holds a master’s in political science from State University of New York at Albany. Her research focuses on political parties, the legislature, elections and the Papua conflict.
Akhmad Misbakhul Hasan is Secretary General of the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (FITRA). Prior to taking up this role in 2018, he was active for 15 years in NGOs, with a focus on macro-economics, governance, national and local planning and budgeting, gender-responsive budgeting, infrastructure, and other areas of public policy.
Albert Jehoshua Rapha is a postgraduate student in public sector innovation and e-governance at KU Leuven Public Governance Institute. His articles on public policy, digital governance, and democratic innovation in Southeast Asia have appeared in international outlets, such as East Asia Forum, Fulcrum , The Diplomat, and Policy Forum ANU.
Alexander M. Hynd is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UNSW Sydney, and an incoming Lecturer at the University of Melbourne (2025-). He is a former Visiting Fellow at CSIS Indonesia, and former Non-resident Fellow at Pacific Forum.
Alexander R Arifianto is a Research Fellow with the Indonesia Program, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research focuses on contemporary politics and political Islam in Indonesia.
Dr Alfindra Primaldhi completed his PhD at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Indonesia (UI), studying morality and political behaviour. He is now an adjunct researcher at the Demography Institute of the Faculty of Business and Economics at UI.
Ali Nur Sahid is a researcher at PUSAD Paramadina. He co-authored "Keluar dari Ekstremisme" and wrote his MA thesis on the "Kamisan" (Thursdays) protests, at Paramadina Graduate School in Jakarta.
Ali Salmande is a law graduate from Trisakti University Faculty of Law. He earned his master's degree from Leiden University in the Netherlands.
Alwiya Shahbanu is a researcher for mining advocacy network Jaringan Advokasi Tambang (JATAM).
Amalia Puri Handayani holds master's degrees in social policy for development from Erasmus University (the Netherlands) and in women's studies from the University of Indonesia. She has been involved in research projects on violence against women and sexual and reproductive health with recent applications in abortion care.
Amalinda Savirani is Associate Professor at Department of Politics and Government, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Amanda Achmadi is a senior lecturer in Architectural Design (Asian Architecture and Urbanism) at the Melbourne School of Design. Amanda completed her undergraduate degree in architecture at Bandung’s Parahyangan University and her doctorate degree in architecture and Asian studies at the University of Melbourne. Her research works explore how identity politics operate through architectural productions and formation of built environments in colonial and postcolonial Indonesia.
Amar Alfikar is an Indonesian queer activist and the founder of IQAMAH, Indonesian Queer Muslims and Allies. He holds a master’s degree in Theology and Religion from the University of Birmingham.
Amelia is a judge at the District Court under the Indonesian Supreme Court. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Indonesia in 2016 and was accepted as a judge candidate in 2017 before being officially inaugurated in 2020. She recently graduated with a master’s degree from Melbourne Law School.
Amy Wu is a Master of Urban Planning student at the University of Melbourne.
Andi Rahman Alamsyah is a lecturer at the Department of Sociology, University of Indonesia. His research focuses on Islamic social movements and social change.
Andreas Harsono is Indonesia researcher at Human Rights Watch. He helped establish media freedom groups including the Alliance of Independent Journalists (1994), Institute for the Study of the Free Flow of Information (1995), the Pantau Foundation (2003), and the Bangkok-based South East Asia Press Alliance (1998). Follow him on Twitter @andreasharsono.
Andrew Wiguna Mantong is a researcher at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Jakarta. He also teaches at the Department of International Relations at the University of Indonesia.
Andy Fuller is a postdoctoral research fellow at Utrecht University. He blogs about sport in Indonesia, and elsewhere, at readingsideways.net. He can be contacted via a.c.s.fuller@uu.nl.
Angie Bexley is Head of Technical, Partnerships, Gender and Social Inclusion at KONEKSI, the Australia's flagship research and innovation program in Indonesia. Angie is an anthropologist with research interests in childhood poverty, youth studies, research methods, gender and intolerance in Indonesia.
Angus Campbell, leader of the Nossal Institute’s One Health Unit, is a practising livestock veterinarian who works with smallholder farmers and governments across Asia to improve animal and human wellbeing through sustainable livestock production.
Aniello Iannone is a lecturer at the Department of Government Studies at Diponegoro University.
Anna Margret is the director of and a researcher at Cakra Wikara Indonesia. She is also a lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Indonesia.
Anna Rowe is a Master of Urban Planning student at the University of Melbourne.
Anne Shakka is a researcher at the SMERU Research Institute. Her research interests relate to political identity, gender, psychology and postcolonial studies.
Anne Suryani is a Research Fellow at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education. Anne has worked on a range of government-funded, consultancy and grant-based educational research activities in the Asia-Pacific Region. Her research interests include teacher motivation, teacher education, teacher professional development, and educational policy. Current projects: Leading to Improve Future Teachers (LIFT) Studies: www.liftstudies.org
Dr. Annisa R. Beta is a lecturer in Cultural Studies at the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne.
Dr Antje Missbach is an associate of the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society and a research fellow at the school of social sciences at Monash University.
Anugerah Rizki Akbari is a non-permanent lecturer at the Department of Criminology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia
Aprilia Ambarwati is a researcher at AKATIGA, the Centre for Social Analysis.
Ari Pramuditya is a researcher at Amnesty International Indonesia. He previously worked as a researcher at the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) and holds a master's in public international law from Leiden University.
Dr Ariane Utomo is a lecturer in demography at the School of Geography, The University of Melbourne.
Ario Bimo Utomo is an assistant professor at the Department of International Relations of the National Development University "Veteran" of East Java. He is an international relations researcher with a focus on paradiplomacy and politics in sport.
Arjuni Rahmi Barasa is a junior researcher at the SMERU Research Institute in Jakarta.
Aron Corbett is a former Australian diplomat who has worked at the Australian Consulates-General in Bali and Makassar. He studied a MSc in Economics and Business Administration at the Norwegian School of Economics where he wrote his master thesis on the international experiences of successful Indonesian technology entrepreneurs.
Ary Hermawan is the current editor of Indonesia at Melbourne and a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne's Asia Institute. He earned his bachelor degree in Islamic history from the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University and his master’s degree in international journalism from the University of Arizona's School of Journalism. He previously worked as a managing editor and editor at large of Indonesia’s leading English daily, The Jakarta Post. He also briefly served as deputy director of Amnesty International Indonesia.
Arya Fernandes is the head of the Department of Politics and Social Change at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
Ashlee Betteridge is the Manager at the Development Policy Centre. She was previously a Research Officer at the centre from 2013-2017. A former journalist, she holds a Master of Public Policy (Development Policy) from ANU and has development experience in Indonesia and Timor-Leste.
Dr Asima Siahaan is a Senior Lecturer at the Postgraduate Department of Public Administration at Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Her research interests includes gender and governance, disaster management and community development.
Asri Saraswati is an Assistant Professor at the English Studies Program and American Studies Program, University of Indonesia. She teaches courses on American literature and society, literary criticism, popular culture, as well as race, gender, and ethnicity. Her work and research seek to understand the interplay between cultural politics and mobility of humans and capital.
Dr Athiqah Nur Alami is a political scientist based at the Research Centre for Politics, at the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Her main interests are Indonesian labour migration, foreign policy, diplomacy, and gender in international relations.
Dr Avery Poole is a Lecturer in International Relations in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne
Bahruddin is a PhD candidate in the School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS) at The University of Melbourne and a lecturer at the Department of Social Development and Welfare, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (UGM).
Ben Phillips is an Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne’s School of BioSciences.
Benjamin Hegarty is a McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Melbourne, prior to which he was visiting scholar at the University of California Irvine. His research on the history of ‘transgender’ in Indonesia has received several awards and appears in Journal of the History of Sexuality, Transgender Studies Quarterly and Medicine Anthropology Theory. His collaborative research with Indonesian colleagues on the intersection of masculinity, sexuality and the provision of HIV care in Jakarta is ongoing.
Dr Budi Hernawan is an anthropologist and research fellow at the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Interfaith and Peace, University of Indonesia (UI) and a lecturer at the Graduate School of Paramadina University.
Cameron Sumpter is a Research Fellow with the Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS), at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) in Singapore.
Catriona Croft-Cusworth is an associate editor of Indonesia at Melbourne.
Charlotte Setijadi is Assistant Professor of Humanities in the School of Social Sciences at Singapore Management University.
Chaula Rininta Anindya is a PhD student at the Graduate School of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. Her research interests include deradicalisation, counterterrorism policy, and civil-military relations in Indonesia.
Chris is a visiting fellow at the Department of Anthropology and Assistant Professorial Research Fellow in the Religion and Global Society Research Unit based at the London School of Economics. His research explores the convergence between global Islamic doctrines and local understandings of piety and faith, and how these come to inform civic values, concepts of religious and political solidarity, and social activism in Southeast Asia.
Citta Widagdo is a Doctoral Researcher in Public Health Law and Ethics at the Centre for Health Law, Science and Policy, University of Birmingham School of Law. She obtained her LLB in Law from the University of Indonesia and her LLM in Health Care Law from University College London.
Dani Alfah is a researcher at SurveyMETER, a research institute in Yogyakarta.
Daniel Peterson is the author of Islam, Blasphemy, and Human Rights in Indonesia: The Trial of Ahok (Routledge, 2020). Recently, he was Lecturer in Politics of Southeast Asia at Queen Mary University of London and Visiting Fellow at the KITLV Leiden. Daniel is also a qualified lawyer and Associate of the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society at the University of Melbourne.
Dave McRae is a Senior Lecturer at the Asia Institute in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne. He is also an Associate at the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society.
Williams obtained his PhD is from the Department of Development Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. He is also co-coordinator of U4's thematic portfolio on corruption and anti-corruption efforts in natural resources and energy hosted at the Chr. Michelsen Institute in Norway.
Dédé Oetomo is a long-time activist and student of gender and sexual diversity in Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region. He is also an adjunct lecturer in gender and sexuality at Universitas Airlangga.
Devika is a researcher at the HIV/AIDS Research Centre (PPH) at Atma Jaya University in Jakarta.
Diah Tricesaria works with Jesuit Refugee Service Indonesia, based in Cisarua, West Java.
Dian Maya Safitri is a public policy professional with expertise in social protection, fiscal decentralisation, human rights, and disability issues. She has worked at the United Nations, the Indonesian National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) in the Office of the Vice President, and Handicap International Indonesia and Timor-Leste. She holds a master’s degree in Public Policy from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is a member of the Economy of Francesco, a value-based economic movement chaired by His Holiness Pope Francis consisting of 2,000 young policy makers, economists and social entrepreneurs from 115 countries.
Diana Contreras Suarez is a Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne.
Diane Zhang is a Melbourne-based economist who researches the use of data and information in policy formulation. She has over 15 years of experience working in public policy in Australia, Indonesia and China. In 2004-2010, she lived and worked in Indonesia, consulting for the World Bank, DFAT, United Nations and GTZ.
Diatyka Widya Permata Yasih is a PhD candidate at the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne. She is also a lecturer at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia. Her thesis, which is currently under examination, focuses on the expansion of precarious work tied to the gig economy and shaped by neoliberalism. Her ongoing research deals with precarity and Islamic populism in Indonesia.
Dimas is a lecturer in economic and consumer psychology at the University of Surabaya, and a behavioural scientist at behaviour change agency nudgeplus.net. His research focuses on human attention, limited cognitive resources, and decision making.
Dr Dina Afrianty is a lecturer at Thomas More Law School, Australian Catholic University, and founder of Australia-Indonesia Disability Research and Advocacy Network (AIDRAN). She is also an associate of the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society (CILIS) at Melbourne Law School. She received her PhD from the University of Melbourne in 2011.
Dirga Ardiansa is a researcher at the Cakra Wikara Indonesia research association.
Dirk Tomsa is an Associate Professor in the Department of Politics, Media and Philosophy at La Trobe University.
Donny is an economics PhD student at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University. His research interests include economic development, natural resources, and trade.
Duncan Graham has been a journalist for more than 40 years in print, radio and TV. He is the author of People Next Door (UWA Press) and winner of the Walkley Award and Human Rights awards. He is now writing for the English language media in Indonesia from within Indonesia.
Edward Aspinall is a Professor in the Department of Political and Social Change, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University. He researches politics in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, with interests in democratisation, ethnicity, and clientelism, among other topics.
Eka Nugraha Putra is a Doctor of Juridical Science candidate at Indiana University-Maurer School of Law, USA, and a law lecturer at Universitas Merdeka Malang, Indonesia.
Elena Williams is a higher education consultant and PhD researcher at The Australian National University where she researches the impact of study abroad programs on Australia-Indonesia people-to-people relationship building. Between 2013-2017 she served as resident director with The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS), based in Yogyakarta.
Dr Elisabeth Kramer is deputy director at the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre at the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on the intersection between discourse, identity and politics in Indonesia. Current research interests include corruption, the tobacco industry and political empowerment for people with disabilities.
Elna Tulus is a PhD candidate at University of Technology Sydney. Her research is on the sustainability of the global food system, focusing on Australian wheat and Indonesian instant noodles. She is seeking interview participants from Indonesia to better understand the issues of food security for her research.
Emilianus Yakob Sese Tolo is a Master of Development Studies student at the University of Melbourne.
Endy Bayuni is a senior Indonesian journalist.
Eni Mulia is the executive director of the Indonesian Association for Media Development (Perhimpunan Pengembangan Media Nusantara, PPMN).
Erasmus Abraham Todo Napitupulu is the executive director of the Institute of Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR). Apart from his position at ICJR, he is a well known criminal justice researcher who has worked with civil society and government. He has published on human rights, civil liberties, and criminal justice reform. He is also a certified lawyer who frequently submits petitions to the Constitutional Court to support law reform in Indonesia and represents cases related to the protection of human rights and civil liberties.
Erman A. Rahman is senior program director of The Asia Foundation Indonesia.
Eryanto Nugroho is a researcher at the Indonesian Centre for Law and Policy Studies (PSHK), and a lecturer at the Indonesia Jentera School of Law (STH Indonesia Jentera).
Evi Eliyanah is a faculty member at Universitas Negeri Malang. Her research areas of interest include gender and cultural studies.
Fakhridho Susrahadiansyah Bagus Pratama Susilo holds a PhD in poliy and governance from the Crawford School of Public Policy, the Australian National University. He obtained his Master in Public Policy in from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore and completed his Bachelor’s degree in international law at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia. Fakhridho’s research interest intersects the areas of governance, comparative democratization and decentralization, and the political economy of public finance.
Fakhridho had been a Fox International Fellow at Yale University, Macmillan Center for International and Area Studies from 2022-2023. He is currently a senior analyst at policy consulting firm Bower Group Asia, a lecturer at President University, a founding member and researcher of KiPRAH Indonesia, and an international affiliate researcher at the ANU Indonesia Institute.
Faris Ibrahim is studying a master's degree in Islamic studies at the Indonesian International Islamic University (IIIU). Faris' main research interests relate to Islam and popular culture, political Islam, and Islamic intellectual history. He previously studied theology and philosophy at al- Azhar University in Cairo.
Feri Amsari is a lecturer in constitutional law at the Faculty of Law, Andalas University and a managing partner of Themis Indonesia Law Firm.
Feri Kusuma is an activist, lawyer and deputy coordinator of the Commission for Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS). Since 2006, Feri has actively advocated for the establishment and supported the work of the Aceh TRC. He is also involved in advocacy for the Papua and national TRCs.
Filipus Yudiandito is a researcher at AIDRAN (Australia-Indonesia Disability Research and Advocacy Network). He received his bachelor of laws degree (S.H.) from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and his master of laws degree (LL.M.) from the University of Melbourne. He is currently pursuing a second master's degree in health law from Gadjah Mada University.
Fini Rubianti is a civil servant at the Indonesia Ministry of Trade. She studied a Master of Arts in International Relations at the University of Birmingham.
Firmanda Taufiq is a doctoral student in the Middle East Studies Department at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Follow him on Twitter @firmanda_taufiq.
Gaby Gabriela Langi is a researcher at the HIV AIDS Research Center at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (ARC AJCUI): Center of Excellence for Health Policy and Social Innovation. She holds a master's degree in public health from Gadjah Mada University.
Gaston Soehadi holds a PhD in film studies from the School of Media, Film and Journalism at Monash University.
Gavin Height is a research assistant at La Trobe University. His research interests include Indonesian electoral politics, and gender and sexuality. He has been published in The Jakarta Post and The New Daily, and co-hosts the Digital Indonesia podcast.
Genoveva Alicia KS Maya is a researcher at the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR).
George Sukoco is a research analyst with the Inovasi program. He holds a Master of Science in Quantitative Research Methods from University College London.
Giri Ahmad Taufik is a researcher at the Center For Law and Policy Studies (PSHK) and a PhD candidate at Griffith University.
Guntur holds a master’s degree in Development and Resource Economics from the Norwegian University of Life Science, and a Bachelor of Economics from University of Indonesia. He currently works as the Country Lead for Indonesia at the Climateworks Centre hosted at Monash University.
Hannah Loney is a final year PhD candidate in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne. Her research explores women, violence and everyday life during the Indonesian invasion and occupation of East Timor (1975-99).
Helen Pausacker is the deputy director of the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society and an editor of the Australian Journal of Asian Law. She received her PhD from the Melbourne Law School in 2013.
Hellena Souisa is PhD candidate at the Asia Institute, The University of Melbourne. Her research areas include media and politics, media economics, broadcast media, and journalism.
Hendri Yulius is a researcher and writer. He is the author of a number of books, including Coming Out, now available at Gramedia. He holds a master's degree from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
Henrico Saeran has a Master of Development Studies from Murdoch University and primarily writes about the political economy of urban development in Jabodetabek (Greater Jakarta).
Herald van der Linde is HSBC’s Chief Asia equity strategist. He has a Master of Science in Economics from the University of Groningen and wrote his Master’s thesis in Jakarta. He is also the author of Majapahit: Intrigue, betrayal and war in Indonesia’s greatest empire and Jakarta: History of a Misunderstood City.
Herdanang Ahmad Fauzan is a master's student at UNSW Sydney’s School of the Arts and Media. He previously worked as a news editor and journalist in Indonesia, contributing to Bisnis Indonesia and Tirto.id.
Dr Herlambang P Wiratraman is a lecturer and executive director of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law at the Faculty of Law, Airlangga University. He is also chair of the Indonesian Lecturers Association for Human Rights (SEPAHAM Indonesia, 2014-2017) and previously served as head of the Indonesian Association of Legal Philosophy (AFHI, 2013-2014).
Heru Samosir is a researcher at the Cakra Wikara Indonesia research association.
Howard Dick is an honorary professorial fellow in the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne and conjoint professor in the Faculty of Business and Law at the University of Newcastle (NSW).
I Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja is an Associate Professor of Law at the Doctor of Law Program Faculty of Law Udayana University. His research interests are international trade and investment law, planning law, tourism law and Indonesian Law. In 2020, he earned a PhD from the the University of Melbourne.
Ian Wilson is a lecturer in politics and international studies and a research fellow at the Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University. He is the author of The Politics of Protection Rackets in Post-New Order Indonesia: Coercive Capital, Authority and Street Politics, published by Routledge in 2015.
Ibnu Nadzir is a researcher at the Center for Culture and Society in the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). He holds a master's degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Amsterdam.
Dr Ignatius Praptoraharjo (Gambit) is a research consultant at the Center for Health Policy and Management at Gadjah Mada University. He completed his doctorate 2010 at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He was a Faculty of Arts Indonesia Initiative visiting scholar in 2020.
Ihsan Ali Fauzi is director of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Democracy (PUSAD) Paramadina and a lecturer at Paramadina Graduate School.
Imam Malik Ridwan is a PhD candidate at Western Sydney University and a lecturer at the Institute of Islamic Studies in Fahmina Cirebon, Indonesia. He also has a keen interest in Islamic politics and terrorism.
Irsyad Rafsadie is a researcher at PUSAD Paramadina. He has co-authored “Policing Religious Conflicts in Indonesia” and co-edited “Basudara Stories of Peace from Maluku: Working Together for Reconciliation.”
Ismail Hasani is research director at the Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace. He is also a lecturer at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta.
Isobel Grounds is an honours student in Asian Studies in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne.
Ivany Atina Arbi is a former journalist at The Jakarta Post. She is currently pursuing a master's degree at Lancaster University, majoring in Religion and Conflict in the Department of Politics, Philosophy, and Religion.
Jack Allen is a policy and communications expert with years of experience across politics, financial services, trade and the law. Majoring in Indonesian within his law and arts degree from Monash University (during which he completed an NCP placement in Indonesia), Jack has an ongoing interest in trade issues across the ASEAN region.
Dr Jacqui Baker is a Lecturer in Southeast Asian Studies at Murdoch University. She is also a co-host of the Talking Indonesia podcast.
James Guild is an expert in trade, finance, and economic development in Southeast Asia. He is also a film buff and hosts his own blog Cinema and Sambal.
Jamhari Makruf is the vice rector of the newly established Indonesian International Islamic University in Jakarta. He is on the advisory board of the Centre for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, and is an advisor to AIPJ2 (Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice).
Januar Aditya Pratama is a Master's student at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University. His research interests include civil-military relations, political economy, and democracy.
Jaysa Rafi Prana is currently a PhD Candidate in Economics at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He completed his Master of Science in Economics at the London School of Economics (LSE) and Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia. He is a former research Associate at Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). Jaysa's research interests intersect the areas of international trade and finance, regionalism and international development.
Dr Jemma Purdey is a Fellow at the Australia Indonesia Centre. She is the author of Anti-Chinese Violence in Indonesia 1996-1999, published by NUS Press.
Jenny Munro is an anthropologist who has worked on gender, health and sexuality in Indonesia since 2003. Her 2018 book, Dreams Made Small, explores the racialisation of education in West Papua, while her more recent research activity focuses on how racism affects health care.
Dr Jeremy J. Kingsley is an anthropologist and a legal scholar of Indonesia working as Senior Lecturer at Swinburne Law School, Melbourne, Australia.
Jeremy Mulholland is executive director of Investindo International and researcher in international marketing and Indonesian political economy at La Trobe University.
Dr Jess Melvin is Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre and was previously Henry Hart Rice Faculty Fellow in Southeast Asian Studies and a Postdoctoral Fellow in Genocide Studies at Yale University. She completed her PhD, "Mechanics of Mass Murder: How the Indonesian Military Initiated and Implemented the Indonesian Genocide: The Case of Aceh," at the University of Melbourne in 2014.
Jimly Asshiddiqie is a professor in the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, and the founding chief justice of the Constitutional Court from 2003-2008.
Jimmy Daniel Berlianto Oley is a junior researcher at the SMERU Research Institute in Jakarta.
Jonathan Peter Tehusijarana is an independent historian with research interests in 20th century Indonesian history, military history, and histories of youth and youth activism. He completed his PhD at the University of Melbourne in 2023. Jonathan's thesis focused on the historic role played by Indonesian student-soldiers in shaping the discourse surrounding youth in Indonesia.
Joost Coté is Senior Research Fellow (History) in the School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies at Monash University. He is the editor and translator of Kartini: The Complete Writings 1898-1904.
Jordan Newton is a countering violent extremism (CVE) consultant on social media extremism and former counter-terrorism analyst with the Australian government.
Joseph Marshan is a PhD Candidate at the Research School of Economics, Australian National University. His research interests include labour economics, family economics, and gender norms.
Julia Ikasarana is a researcher at the Cakra Wikara Indonesia research association.
Kanti Pertiwi is a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne. She is also a lecturer in management at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Indonesia and previously worked for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Her dissertation is titled: “'But that’s not corruption': An interpretive approach to business-government relations to corruption in Indonesia". She can be reached at kanti.pertiwi@ui.ac.id.
Kate Thresher holds an honours in Asian Studies, is a New Colombo Plan alumna, and is completing a Bachelor of Laws (hons) at Murdoch University.
ARC Future Fellow
University of Melbourne
Kaylana Mueller-Hsia is a Fulbright researcher in Jakarta, Indonesia, where she is studying the use of digital evidence in investigations conducted by the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM).
Dr Ken Setiawan is a Lecturer in Asian and Indonesian Studies at the Asia Institute. She is also an Associate of the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society (CILIS) at Melbourne Law School.
Dr Krishna Hort is senior technical consultant at the Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne. He has worked in health assistance programs in South and Southeast Asia for more than 25 years, including 20 years of periodic work in Indonesia.
Krisna is a PhD student of economics at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University. His research focuses mainly on trade and investment liberalisation and its impact on firms in Indonesia.
Kyra Jasper is a student at Stanford University studying history and human rights. She is currently based in Jakarta, Indonesia, researching the formulation of Law No. 26 of 2000 on the Human Rights Court and the Human Rights Court process.
Laras Susanti is a lecturer in law at Universitas Gadjah Mada. She holds a master's degree of law (LLM) from the University of Washington, Seattle and is pursuing her doctoral degree at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Law, specialising in family law. She received her doctoral scholarship from Fulbright and the Center for International Legal Education (CILE) at the University of Pittsburgh.
Lies Marcoes is a women's rights activist, writer and researcher and the director of Rumah Kita Bersama Foundation. Lies holds a master's in anthropology from the University of Amsterdam. She lives in Bogor.
Assoc. Prof Linda Rae Bennett is a medical anthropologist based at the Nossal Institute for Global Health, in the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. Her key areas of expertise are: sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), gender-based violence (GBV), and health equity and inclusion.
Lisa Cameron is a Professorial Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne.
Luqman is a PhD candidate at the Asia Institute, the University of Melbourne. His doctoral research focuses on Islamism and the state in Indonesia. In Indonesia, Luqman is a lecturer at the Department of International Relations, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
Lury is a PhD candidate in Behavioural Economics at the University of Nottingham. His research focuses on lie theory. He leads the Indonesia Behavioural Economics Forum (IBEF), a multidisciplinary team advocating behavioural economics for a better life.
Mohamad Doddy Kusadrianto is director of law programs at The Asia Foundation in Jakarta.
M. Anas Mahfudhi is the Executive Director of Political Research and Democracy Center, Jakarta and Postgraduate Alumni from University of Indonesia.
M. Nur Sholikin is a researcher at the Indonesian Center for Law and Policy Studies (PSHK) and a lecturer at Indonesia Jentera School of Law.
Dr Mada Sukmajati is a lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta. His research interests include political parties, elections and the legislature. He can be reached at: mada_s@ugm.ac.id.
Mahalli is communications officer and a researcher with the Australia-Indonesia Disability Research and Advocacy Network (AIDRAN). He is also a researcher at Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University (PSLD UB).
Maidina Rahmawati is a researcher at the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) and a certified advocate/litigator and mediator. She has more than five years of experience working on criminal justice reform in Indonesia. Her primary research focus is on gender equality in criminal justice reform and she has written widely on the criminal justice system, the Law on Sexual Violence, and drug policy reform.
Matthew Busch is a PhD candidate at Melbourne Law School, where his research focuses on the Indonesian state and political economy of economic management. He is also a non-resident fellow at the Lowy Institute.
Matthew Wai-Poi is a senior economist with the World Bank in Jakarta, where he leads the analytical work program on poverty and inequality.
Max Broad is a Research Associate at the Lowy Institute. Max previously worked in the Australian Public Service, at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in Singapore, and at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Jakarta.
Merah Johansyah is the National Coordinator for mining advocacy network Jaringan Advokasi Tambang (JATAM).
Mia Novitasari is a researcher at the Cakra Wikara Indonesia research association.
Michael Ewing is an Associate Professor In Indonesian at the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne.
Michael HB Raditya is a PhD student at the Asia Institute, the University of Melbourne. His research areas include dangdut, popular music, ethnomusicology, performing arts, and anthropology of art. He is the author of "Babat Alas dangdut Anyar" (2020) and "Dangdutan: Kumpulan Tulisan Dangdut dan Praktiknya di Masyarakat" (2022). He is also a founder of www.dangdutstudies.com.
Moh Zaki Arrobi is a PhD researcher working for the ‘Sacralizing Security: Religion, Violence, and Authority’ (SACRASEC) project at the Department of Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He is also a lecturer at the Department of Sociology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
Mohammad Ibrahim teaches constitutional law in the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University (UGM).
Dr Monika Winarnita is Lecturer in Indonesian Studies at Deakin University. She is also an Associate at the Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria, Canada, where she completed her postdoctoral fellowship.
Moses Parlindungan Ompusunggu is Managing Director at Pantau Hoaks, a digital literacy, advisory, and investigation firm focused on countering information manipulation in Indonesia.
Ahalla Tsauro is a graduate student at the Malay Studies Department, National University of Singapore. Follow him on Twitter @TsauroAhalla.
Ammar is a PhD student researching gender politics in post-reformasi Indonesia at the University of Queensland. He also now serves as the head of the socio-cultural protection commission of the Overseas Indonesian Students’ Association Alliance (PPI Dunia).
Muhammad Beni Saputra is a PhD student at the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University. His research interests are in media, politics, social media, and political Islam.
Muhammad Syarahil Mutianwar Efendi is studying law at Universitas Sebelas Maret in Surakarta.
Muhammad Verdias Yurindra is a post-graduate student majoring in international business at the University of Sydney.
Muhammad Waffaa Kharisma is a researcher at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Jakarta, where he has worked on issues including foreign policy, the security dynamics of the Indo-Pacific, Indonesia’s maritime security, the geopolitics and foreign policy drivers around the Korean peninsula, and the humanitarian situation in Myanmar. He holds a Master of Science from University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
Dr Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat is a research professor at Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies, assistant professor at Department of International Relations, Universitas Islam Indonesia, and project associate of the Digital International Relations project at IDEAS, the foreign policy think tank of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
Nabhan Aiqani is a researcher at the Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace. His research interests include business and human rights, environment and climate change, green economy, sustainable infrastructure and development, and community empowerment.
Deputy Director of CILIS (Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society), Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne.
Naila Rizqi Zakiah is a public defender at LBH Masyarakat. LBH Masyarakat is a non-profit organisation that provide free legal aid for marginalised groups such as LGBTIQ, people living with HIV, drug users, sex workers and people facing the death penalty or execution in Indonesia.
Natali has completed a PhD on underwater cultural heritage in Indonesia at the University of Sydney. She also holds a Master of Museum Studies from the University of Sydney; a Master of Arts in Strategy and Policy from the University of New South Wales; and a Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies) with Honours Class One in History and Indonesian Studies from the University of New South Wales. She recently published the book Belitung: The Afterlives of a Shipwreck.
Natalie Longmire-Kulis is a recent graduate of Stanford University, where she studied international relations and human rights. She is currently based in Jakarta, Indonesia, conducting research on the judiciary and international maritime law and security.
Nofalia Nurfitriani is a researcher at AKATIGA, the Centre for Social Analysis.
Noory Okthariza is a researcher at CSIS Indonesia and a PhD student in Political Science at the University of Maryland. This article contains the author’s own opinions and does not necessarily reflect the views of those institutions.
Novi Kurnia is a lecturer and the head of the postgraduate program at the Department of Communication Science at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Novi completed her PhD at Flinders University, South Australia, in 2014. Her thesis was about women film directors and their films in post-New Order Indonesia.
Nurkholis Hidayat is an Indonesian human rights lawyer and previously served as a director of the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH Jakarta), and national advisor for legal aid and criminal justice for the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice (AIPJ). He holds a master of laws from the University of Melbourne.
Paul Hasan Thung is studying a PhD at Brunel University London. Prior to his PhD he studied an MA in Environment, Development and Policy at the University of Sussex, a BA in Philosophy at the Vrije Universiteit Amsteram and a BSc in Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University.
Pia is PhD candidate at Griffith University and currently works as a researcher at the Perth US Asia Centre. Pia completed a Joint MA in International Relations in Berlin (Humboldt University Berlin, Free University Berlin & University of Potsdam) and a BA in International Studies with focus on South and Southeast Asia (Leiden University).
Putu Eka Andayani is a researcher at the Center for Health Policy and Management in the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Gadjah Mada University.
R. Alam Surya Putra is deputy director of the environmental governance (SETAPAK) program, funded by the UK Climate Change Unit, for The Asia Foundation Indonesia.
Rachael Diprose is a lecturer in development studies at the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne. She also convenes the School's Conflict, Development and Justice Research Cluster.
Dr. Raden Aswin Rahadi is an Assistant Professor at the School of Business and Management at the Bandung Institute of Technology. He holds a Doctorate degree with Distinction (Cum Laude) in Science Management from the School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology; a Master of Management degree from the Swiss German University; a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Technology, Business and Design Konstanz; and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Bandung Institute of Technology.
Raditya Darningtyas is a researcher at the Center for the Study of Religion and Democracy (PUSAD) Paramadina. She studied international relations at Gadjah Mada University.
Radityo Dharmaputra is a lecturer at the Department of International Relations, Universitas Airlangga. He is currently a PhD candidate and Junior Research Fellow in Political Science at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia.
Rafiqa is a PhD student at Melbourne Law School and lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Indonesia.
Rafsi Albar is a student researcher at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He is also the Diana Award-winning co-founder of FlashCampus, an all-in-one platform helping students get connected to opportunities and mentors.
Randy Wirasta Nandyatama is a lecturer in the Department of International Relations, Gadjah Mada University (UGM). From 2013 to early 2015 he was director of the ASEAN Studies Centre at UGM. He is currently a PhD candidate in the School of Social and Political Sciences in the Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne. His research focuses on the role of Indonesian civil society organisations in the institutionalisation of human rights in ASEAN.
Rania Teguh is the Pacific Trade and Development (PAFTAD) Scholar at the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University. Her articles on the Indonesian economy have been featured in outlets such as East Asia Forum and The Diplomat.
Ranny Rastati is a media and pop culture researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Indonesia. She is also a PhD student at the Department of Media and Communications, University of Malaya, Malaysia. Her research focuses mainly on the influence of foreign pop culture in Indonesia, particularly from South Korea, Japan, and Thailand.
Ratri Ciptaningtyas is a lecturer in public health at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) in Jakarta.
Ratu Durotun Nafisah is a research associate at the Centre for Asian Legal Studies at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (NUS).
Raynov Tumorang Pamintori is a research fellow at Reprieve. Reprieve is a London-based international legal charity that provides free legal support to some of the world’s most vulnerable people, including those who are facing the death penalty and execution.
Rendy Adriyan Diningrat is the Head of the Research Department at the SMERU Research Institute in Jakarta.
Rendy Pahrun Wadipalapa is a PhD candidate at the School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, UK. His doctoral research is on the communist imaginary in the 2014 and 2019 Indonesia’s presidential elections.
Rezza Prasetyo Setiawan is an MA Student at Religious Studies at the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Riandy Laksono is a PhD Candidate at Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
Dr Richard Chauvel is an honorary fellow at the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne.
Richard Mathews is a retired diplomat, having served from 2016-20 as Australia’s first Consul-General for eastern Indonesia based in Makassar. He is the coordinator of the group Diplomats for Climate Action Now, and a volunteer with the Australian Conservation Foundation. He is the founder and president of the advocacy group Diplomats for Climate Action Now.
Ricky Gunawan is a human rights lawyer and Director of LBH Masyarakat (Community Legal Aid Institute). LBH Masyarakat is a frontline human rights organisation that provide free legal services for people facing the death penalty or execution.
Ridvan Kilic is a Diploma of Indonesian student at Deakin University & holds a Master of International Relations degree from La Trobe University. His main focus is Indonesian & Australian foreign policy, the Australia-Indonesia bilateral relationship & Southeast Asian regionalism.
Rifqi Fairuz is currently teaching Anthropology at the State Islamic University (UIN) Salatiga. His research areas include Islamic studies, pop culture and anthropology of religion. He is an alumni of Australia-Indonesia Muslim Exchange Program 2022.
Rika Theo is a PhD student in International Development Studies at the Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
Rita Padawangi is Associate Professor at the College of Interdisciplinary & Experiential Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences. Her research interests are social movements, environmental justice, and participatory urban development. She explores and applies collaborative approaches in research, teaching, and community engagement. She coordinates the Southeast Asia Neighborhoods Network (SEANNET), a research and education initiative on urban life in the region. She is editor of Routledge Handbook of Urbanization in Southeast Asia (2019) and co-edited Cities by and for the People in Asia (Amsterdam University Press, 2019). She is the author of Urban Development in Southeast Asia (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
Rizanna Rosemary is a PhD candidate in health communication at the University of Sydney
Rizky Argama is research director of the Indonesian Centre for Law and Policy Studies (PSHK) and a lecturer at the Indonesia Jentera School of Law (STH Indonesia Jentera). He holds a Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne.
Dr Robertus Robet (@Republik_Baru) is the head of sociology at the State University of Jakarta (UNJ) and a visiting scholar at the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society (CILIS) at the University of Melbourne.
Roni is a researcher at Cakra Wikara Indonesia with interests in gender, sexuality, religion, human rights, and state and society.
Ross B. Taylor is the immediate past president of the Perth-based Indonesia Institute Inc, a former WA government commissioner to Indonesia based in Jakarta and a former national Vice President of the Australia-Indonesia Business Council.
Ruth Nikijuluw is a PhD Candidate at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University. Her research focuses mainly on local public finance, regional economics and female participation in local politics.
Sana Jaffrey is a PhD candidate at the University of Chicago’s Department of Political Science and a visiting fellow at the Center for Study of Religion and Democracy (PUSAD Paramadina). She previously led the design and implementation of the National Violence Monitoring System (NVMS) database at the World Bank during 2008-2013.
Sandeep Nanwani is an activist, anthropologist and physician who works at the United Nations Population Fund in Jakarta, most recently on a project that supported the development of clinics designed for young peoples’ sexual/reproductive health needs. He is chief medical officer and a long term volunteer for Yayasan Kebaya, a shelter for disadvantaged transgender women in the city of Yogyakarta. He holds a Masters of Medical Science in Global Health Delivery from Harvard University.
Santoso is Executive Director of Article 33, a research institution that aims to achieve social transformation via the use of Indonesia’s natural resources for the prosperity of the people.
Senza Arsendy is a monitoring and evaluation officer for a donor funded education project in Indonesia. He previously worked as a primary school teacher in a remote area of the country.
Dewi is a sexual and reproductive health (SRH) practitioner with more than 12 years of experience in programs focusing on youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health education and services in Indonesia. She holds an MA in Health Promotion, Education and International Development from the University College London. She is a PhD candidate at the Nossal Institute for Global Health, the University of Melbourne, and is researching the opportunities and challenges of the school-based HPV immunisation program for primary school girls in Indonesia.
Shane Barter is a Political Scientist teaching in International Studies at Soka University of America. His research and teaching interests are related to politics in Southeast Asia, armed conflict, state and society, democratisation, and religious politics. He has worked for Asian Human Rights NGOs (Forum Asia), the Carter Center, the Canadian Government and the European Union.
Sharyn Davies is Director of the Herb Feith Indonesia Engagement Centre and Associate Professor in the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics at Monash University. She received her PhD from the University of Western Australia (Anthropology and Asian Studies) and prior to her appointment at Monash was at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) in New Zealand.
Shintia Revina is a researcher at the SMERU Research Institute in Jakarta.
Sidney Jones founded IPAC in 2013 and served as director until stepping down in June 2021. She continues to serve as senior advisor. Between 2002 and 2013, Jones worked with the International Crisis Group, first as Southeast Asia project director, then from 2007 as senior adviser to the Asia program. Before joining Crisis Group, she worked for the Ford Foundation in Jakarta and New York (1977-84); Amnesty International in London as the Indonesia-Philippines-Pacific researcher (1985-88); and Human Rights Watch in New York as the Asia director (1989-2002). She holds a B.A. and M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania. She lived in Shiraz, Iran for one year as a university student, 1971-72, and studied Arabic in Cairo and Tunisia. She received an honorary doctorate in 2006 from the New School in New York. In addition to an ongoing role at IPAC, Jones is teaching, writing and reconnecting with her old neighbourhood in Brooklyn.
Professor Simon Butt is a senior associate of the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society. He is also an ARC Future Fellow and associate director for the Centre for Asian and Pacific Law at The University of Sydney.
Siswo Mulyartono is a researcher at PUSAD Paramadina. He has co-authored "Policing Religious Conflicts in Indonesia" and wrote his BA thesis on the anti-Ahmadiyya mobilisation in Cikeusik, Banten, at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta.
Dr Siwage Dharma Negara is Co-Coordinator for the Indonesia Studies Programme and Coordinator for the Singapore APEC Study Centre at the ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute. He received his PhD (Economics) from the University of Melbourne.
Slamet Thohari is a lecturer and researcher with the Center for Disability Services and Studies at Brawijaya University in Malang, and the Indonesian chair of the Australian-Indonesian Disability Research and Advocacy Network (AIDRAN).
Sofie Arjon Schütte is a senior advisor at the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre at the Chr. Michelsen Institute, Norway. She previously served as an adviser for the Partnership for Governance Reform (Kemitraan) and an integrated expert at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
Solahudin has been a researcher on jihadi movements in Indonesia for more than a decade. He is the author of The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2013). He was recently a visiting research scholar at CSEAS (Center for Southeast Asian Studies) Kyoto University. Before that he was a journalist and press freedom activist, including as Secretary-General of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) from 2001to 2003. His advocacy in cases of violence against journalists includes successfully acting as a mediator in the release of two Belgian journalists held hostage by the Free Papua Movement (OPM) in Papua in 2001. He was also a member of the mediation team that negotiated the release an Indonesian journalist held by the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in 2004.
Sulistyowati Irianto is a Professor of Legal Anthropology at the University of Indonesia.
Syera Anggreini Buntara is a researcher at the Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace. She holds a Master of Science in Asian Studies with a certificate in the Comparative Study of Religions in Plural Societies from the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her research interests include interfaith relations, freedom of religion/belief, nationalism and multiculturalism, peace and conflict.
Tamara Soukotta is a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Tanya Jakimow is an Associate Professor of Anthropology in the School of Culture History and Languages, Australian National University. She is currently an Australian Research Council Future Fellow, working on a project examining women’s political labour and pathways to politics in Indonesia, India and Australia.
Tata Mustasya is Greenpeace Indonesia’s regional climate and energy campaign head and a board member of Trend Asia. He has strong interest on the issue of sustainable development, public policy and political economy. Tata holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Development Studies from the University of Indonesia and a master’s degree in Management of Development from University of Turin, Italy.
Taufiq Rahman is the chief editor of The Jakarta Post, founder of independent record label Elevations Records and co-founder of Indonesia’s only pressing plant PHR pressing. He received his master’s degree in political science from Northern Illinois University (NIU).
Tessa Toumbourou works on environmental governance issues in Indonesia and is an academic tutor at the University of Melbourne. She holds a Master of Environment (Governance, Policy and Communication stream) from the University.
Tiara Marthias is a Senior Technical Adviser at the Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne. She completed her medical training at Universitas Gadjah Mada and her doctorate degree in public health at the University of Melbourne. Her works focus on health system research, particularly in exploring and addressing geographical and socioeconomic inequity in maternal and child health services.
Tim Lindsey is Malcolm Smith Professor of Asian Law and Director of the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society at the University of Melbourne.
Dr Tim Mann is an associate of the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society (CILIS). He is the author of Defending Legal Freedoms in Indonesia, published by Routledge.
Titi Anggraini is the executive director of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem)
Tito Ambyo is an award-winning Indonesian/Australian journalist and lecturer and a PhD Candidate at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.
Tommy Firmanda is a counsellor of students with disabilities at the Center for Disability Studies and Services Brawijaya University (PSLD UB) and a researcher at the Australia-Indonesia Disability Research and Advocacy Network (AIDRAN). His areas of interest include development of educational practices and multimedia accessibility; students' adoption of technology, including assessment and implementation of inclusive education for the visually impaired.
Tri Aktariyani is a researcher at the Center for Health Policy and Management in the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Gadjah Mada University.
Trissia Wijaya is a Senior Research Fellow at Ritsumeikan University, Japan and an Honorary Research Fellow at Indo-Pacific Research Centre, Murdoch University. She has published in leading academic journals and policy outlets on issues related to green development, infrastructure financing, and public-private partnerships.
Tunggal Pawestri is a feminist, women's rights activist and currently serves as executive director of the Humanist and Social Innovation Foundation (Yayasan Hivos)
PhD student at the School of Geography, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne. Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.
Ulta Levenia is an Indonesia-based lead researcher of the Galatea Thinktank on Terrorism and Political Violence. Her commentaries have appeared in The Jakarta Post and The Diplomat.
Unaesah Rahmah is a Research Analyst with the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, a specialist unit with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She can be reached at isunaesah.r@ntu.edu.sg.
Usman Hamid is executive director of Amnesty International Indonesia. He holds a master's in philosophy from Australian National University. He has previously served as coordinator of the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS) and in 2012 co-founded Public Virtue and the Indonesian Branch of Change.org. Currently he teaches at Indonesia Jentera School of Law (STH Indonesia Jentera).
Valerie Tan is a student at Monash Law School, and recently completed an internship at Lokataru Law & Human Rights Office through the ACICIS Professional Practicum program.
Vedi Hadiz is Director and Professor of Asian Studies at the Asia Institute and an Assistant Deputy Vice-Chancellor International, University of Melbourne.
Virdika Rizky Utama is a researcher at PARA Syndicate and Graduate Student in Political Science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Wahyu Susilo is a a labour history researcher and the executive director of Migrant Care, a nongovernmental organisation that advocates for migrant workers' rights.
Wahyudi Akmaliah is a PhD candidate at the Department of Malay Studies, National University of Singapore, and a researcher at the Research Center for Society and Culture – Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (PMB-BRIN).
Wasisto Raharjo Jati is a a researcher at the Research Centre for Politics at the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). He is a member of a research team at BRIN focused on the capital city relocation.
Wulan Dirgantoro is a McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne.
Yassar Aulia works for Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) in the Political Corruption Division. His work focuses on democratic regression, oligarchy, and corruption.
Yati Andriyani is a human rights lawyer with the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS) and a council member of the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD).
Yeta is a researcher at Center of Law and Economic Studies (CELIOS). She completed her undergraduate degree in International Relations at Universitas Islam Indonesia.
Yoes C Kenawas is a PhD candidate at Northwestern University and a visiting research fellow at the Institute of Public Policy at Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta.
Yogi Bratajaya earned his Bachelor of Laws degree from Padjadjaran University, specialising in public international law. He was a former intern at the International Commission of Jurists, and is interested in international human rights and the environment.
Yogi Febriandi is the Head of the Department of Islamic Political Thought at IAIN Langsa-Aceh, Indonesia. He has extensive experience working with refugee services in Aceh from 2015 to 2017.
Yohanes Sulaiman is a Lecturer at the School of Government at General Achmad Yani University. He earned his BA in international relations and political science from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and his MA and PhD in political science from the Ohio State University.
Yokie Rahmad Isjchwansyah is a Master’s Student in International Relations from Paramadina Graduate School of Diplomacy (PGSD), Universitas Paramadina. He is a Research Fellow at Center for Intermestic and Diplomatic Engagement (CIDE)
Yolanda Pandjaitan is research manager and a researcher at Cakra Wikara Indonesia. She is also a lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Indonesia.
Yovinus is a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Science and Political Science at General Achmad Yani University.
Yuji Mizuno is a researcher on Indonesian politics at the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO) Area Studies Center, Japan. He obtained his MA at Kyoto University Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS) in 2020.
Dr Yumasdaleni is a Senior researcher in the National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia (BRIN) in the Department of Religion and Faith. She has a PhD in Anthropology and Sociology from National University of Malaya.
Zainal Abidin Bagir is a lecturer in the master's program on religious and cross-cultural studies at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), director of the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, and a senior research fellow at the Paramadina Centre for the Study of Religion and Democracy (PUSAD Paramadina).
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Date created: 1 July 2015
Editor: Ary Hermawan
Editorial board:
Professor Tim Lindsey
Dr Tim Mann
Aron Corbett
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