Posts with tag: #PapuanLivesMatter
Best of 2020
AnalysisIndonesia at Melbourne will again be taking a break over the Christmas and New Year period. Here we list the most popular articles and podcast episodes, plus a few of our favourites, from 2020. We look forward to seeing you again when we return in January.
Veronica Koman case another nail in the coffin of intellectual freedom
Human Rights, Law, MediaIf scholarships are designed to strengthen the next generation of thinkers in Indonesia, writes Herlambang P Wiratraman, judging recipients on their “loyalty” to whoever controls government is entirely counterproductive.
What we talk about when we talk about Papua
Human Rights, Politics, Security, SocietyRacist abuse of Papuan students in Java sparked widespread protests in 2019. On the anniversary of the racist incident, Usman Hamid writes that the government needs to be prepared to have a more open conversation about Papua.
Talking Indonesia: racism
Human Rights, Politics, Society, Talking IndonesiaThe #BlackLivesMatter protests have thrown a spotlight on racism towards Papuans in Indonesia. In this weeks Talking Indonesia podcast, Dr Dave McRae chats to Ligia Giay about the drivers and impacts of racism against Papuans.