Posts with tag: Smoking

Up in smoke? Tobacco and Indonesia’s efforts to reduce stunting

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Rizanna Rosemary and Ratri Ciptaningtyas examine an important factor rarely acknowledged as contributing to high rates of stunting in Indonesia – smoking.

Smoking is bad for your... campaign?

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Activists were hoping that smoking and cigarettes would be discussed during the vice presidential debate earlier this month. Dr Elisabeth Kramer writes that while the vice presidential candidates were silent on the issue, both presidential candidate teams have indicated they do have plans for tobacco control.

Should Indonesian smokers pay more for health costs?

Indonesian smokers were worked up last month over rumours that the price of cigarettes would soon rise to Rp 50,000 (AU$5). As Dr Krisna Hort explains, the rumours originated from an article that showed that doubling the price of cigarettes would increase tax revenues to a level that could cover the current deficit in the national health insurance scheme (JKN).

Talking Indonesia: tobacco control

What are the drivers and impacts of high smoking prevalence in Indonesia? What steps could the government take to control tobacco, and what arguments are made within Indonesia for and against these measures? Dr Dave McRae discusses these issues and more with Abdillah Ahsan, from the University of Indonesia, in the latest Talking Indonesia podcast.

Youth smoking: an un-natural disaster

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The recent death of a 27-year-old from laryngeal cancer has highlighted the problem of youth smoking in Indonesia. As Ayu Swandewi writes, the government has much work to do to address the aggressive targeting of young people by tobacco companies.

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