Posts with tag: Voting
'Man of the people' wins people's vote
2014 Indonesian Elections, Analysis, ArchivedThe votes have been cast. Now, what does it all mean? An election night snapshot from
Tim Lindsey.
'Netizens' on alert in poll booths for vote fraud
2014 Indonesian Elections, Analysis, ArchivedSocial media has been pivotal in this campaign, and is today being enlisted by worried citizens to try to expose fraud at the ballot box. Lily Yulianti Farid tracks a net-citizens' movement.
Ticking the box and turning the tide on 'golput' protest
2014 Indonesian Elections, Analysis, ArchivedThe biggest surprise of the Indonesian poll was not, Ucu Martanto argues, the muted 'Jokowi' factor, but the large increase in voter turnout.
Election Day for the 'selfie' generation
2014 Indonesian Elections, Analysis, ArchivedFor many young voters, the pemilu on April 9 was a 'fun activity' full of selfies and cheap coffee, writes Lily Yulianti Farid, who reports on the mood from polling stations across the country.
2014: democracy's year of living dangerously
2014 Indonesian Elections, Analysis, Archived
THIS is going to be a big year for democracy - the biggest ever, in fact - with a record number and percentage of humankind set to vote in elections in 2014. In a remarkable milestone in history, almost 3 billion people - or 40 per cent of…