Does Indonesia need to decolonise anti-corruption discourse?
Corruption, SocietyMore than twenty years ago, Indonesia launched a determined crusade against corruption, collusion, and nepotism. However, the zealous spirit of Indonesia’s political reformation seems to have dissipated along the way. Kanti Pertiwi discusses how decolonising the anti-corruption discourse can create space for local conceptions of what constitutes corruption.
Indonesia needs to incentivise public servants justly and equitably to deliver reforms
UncategorizedThe Indonesian government recently intensified its push to make the public service more entrepreneurial but these calls prompted strong reactions from Indonesia’s civil servants. Many see these appeals as overlooking the most important reform – the urgent need to offer civil servants a decent living wage.
The e-KTP scandal: have we learned anything about corruption?
Analysis, CorruptionOver the past week, Indonesians have again been gripped by a massive corruption scandal. Kanti Pertiwi writes that too often anti-corruption efforts focus on the individuals involved and do not pay sufficient attention to the social, political and cultural context in which they are situated.