Indonesia is betting on CoronaVac in its fight against Covid-19. But will it work?
Public health, Top StoriesIndonesia has moved quickly to set up a national program to vaccinate against Covid-19. But it faces major challenges in vaccinating the population in a timely and effective manner.
Who to believe: social media or government? The challenge of coronavirus in Indonesia
Analysis, Media, Public healthIn a disease outbreak like coronavirus, who should the public trust? Conversely, how can the government show that it is a trustworthy source of information? Krishna Hort, Angus Campbell and Tiara Marthias look at the challenges of health communication.
Should Indonesian smokers pay more for health costs?
Analysis, Public healthIndonesian smokers were worked up last month over rumours that the price of cigarettes would soon rise to Rp 50,000 (AU$5). As Dr Krisna Hort explains, the rumours originated from an article that showed that doubling the price of cigarettes would increase tax revenues to a level that could cover the current deficit in the national health insurance scheme (JKN).