Posts with tag: Freedom of expression
Talking Indonesia: the new Criminal Code
Human Rights, Law, Talking IndonesiaHow did Indonesia's much-needed new Criminal Code end up being so damaging to rights? Is there still time to change it, or is there no turning back? Dr Jemma Purdey chats to Bivitri Susanti in the final episode of Talking Indonesia for 2022.
Indonesia needs a strong public interest defence to stem the tide of online defamation cases
Human Rights, Law"Guidelines" for implementation of the so-called ITE Law are not enough. Indonesia needs to follow the example of other countries and include a strong public interest defence in the law.
Talking Indonesia: academic freedom
Education, Human Rights, Talking IndonesiaWhat is driving recent attacks on academic freedom? How much is the notorious ITE Law to blame? Dr Jemma Purdey chats to Dr Robertus Robet in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.
Luhut reporting activists for defamation is another blow to freedom of expression
Human Rights, LawLuhut Binsar Pandjaitan's report against human rights activists Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti is the latest case in a worrying trend where public officials have weaponised defamation provisions to silence critics.
Academic freedom: another victim of the ITE law?
Education, Human Rights, Law, Top StoriesThe sentencing of Syiah Kuala University lecturer Saiful Mahdi for defamation is another devastating blow to academic freedom, and freedom of expression more broadly, in Indonesia.
Mural controversies expose the poor health of Indonesian democracy
Arts, Human Rights, Law, Top StoriesThe repressive police response to three murals criticising the government's management of the Covid-19 pandemic is just another sign of the rapidly declining health of Indonesian democracy.
BRIN and the bureaucratisation of knowledge in Indonesia
Education, Human Rights, Top StoriesThe co-opting of knowledge production by the state has a long history in Indonesia. The establishment of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is just the latest example.
Attempts to revise draconian ITE Law stumble
Human Rights, LawThe Information and Electronic Transactions Law has become so distorted from its original function that it has now emerged as one of the greatest threats to freedom of expression in Indonesia.
Hackers, doxers and influencers: the limits of political participation on social media
Media, PoliticsSix years into Jokowi’s presidency, the time for blind optimism about the democratic potential of social media is long gone, writes Ibnu Nadzir.