Indonesia takes an impressive step toward cervical cancer control
Public health, Top StoriesThe health minister has announced that a pilot human papillomavirus vaccination program for early adolescent girls will be available nationally from 2023 onwards.
Invisible citizens
Public health, SocietyMany vulnerable community members lack formal or legal identity, write Associate Professor Linda Rae Bennett and Setiyani Marta Dewi, meaning that they cannot access government social assistance programs implemented in response to Covid-19.
Too much reporting on Covid-19 in Indonesia is missing context
Analysis, Media, Public health, SocietyConstant reporting on the potential for “disaster” has failed to acknowledge that many of the factors that amplify the risks of Covid-19 for the Indonesian population are structural, writes Associate Professor Linda Rae Bennett.
The silencing of sexual health in Indonesian infertility care
Analysis, Public healthInfertility is a major problem in Indonesia and this is reflected in the rapidly growing numbers of Indonesians presenting to infertility clinics. But as Dr Linda Rae Bennett writes, doctors' assumptions about sexual morality are having a significant impact on the quality of care women experience.
Collaborating for cervical cancer prevention
Analysis, Public healthCervical cancer is the second most frequent cancer among Indonesian women but low cost cervical cancer screening is only available in eight of Indonesia’s 34 provinces. Dr Linda Rae Bennett reports on a new collaboration that hopes to lay the groundwork for developing a free vaccination program for human papillomavirus, an established cause of cervical cancer.