Posted in: Interview

Q&A: Joshua Oppenheimer

In town for the Melbourne International Film Festival, director Joshua Oppenheimer spoke to Indonesia at Melbourne about The Look of Silence, his remarkable follow-up to The Act of Killing.

Missing history? Jimly Asshiddiqie on the death penalty in Indonesia

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Former Constitutional Court Chief Justice Professor Jimly Asshiddiqie has been a longstanding advocate for the abolition of the death penalty. Indonesia at Melbourne spoke to Jimly about the future of the death penalty ahead of his lecture at Melbourne Law School.

Interview: Pat Walsh on the forgetting of East Timor in Indonesia

Pat Walsh AM spent 12 months travelling across Indonesia to examine the impact of the Chega! and Per Memoriam truth commission reports on Indonesian understandings of East Timor. Indonesia at Melbourne spoke to Pat about the project and prospects for meaningful reconciliation. Photo by Pat Walsh.

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