Greg Fealy on former NU leader Hasyim Muzadi (1944-2017)
ReligionOn 23 March, Indonesia bid farewell to a giant of Islamic organisation Nahdulatul Ulama (NU), Hasyim Muzadi. Associate Professor Greg Fealy remembers a leader who was a highly competent administrator but one who was always cautious, and indeed conservative, in his pronouncements.

Mainstream Islamic narratives and their divisive consequences
Analysis, Media, ReligionThe expansion of the middle class in Indonesia has been accompanied by a rise in Islamic consumerism. Dr Inaya Rakhmani examines dominant narratives in Islamic-themed television programs, writing that the commercialisation of Islam has encouraged ideas and beliefs that aggravate rather than moderate social divisions.

Will religion influence voters’ choices in the Jakarta election?
Analysis, Elections, Politics, ReligionFollowing the massive rallies against Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama over alleged blasphemy, one might assume that religion was the most important factor influencing the intended voting behaviour of Jakarta residents. But a study conducted by Nathanael Gratias Sumaktoyo demonstrates that it is not as dominant as the recent rallies suggest.

Talking Indonesia: Ahok, race, religion & democracy (part 2)
Politics, Religion, Talking IndonesiaHow much is the controversy around Jakarta Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama related to his ethnicity and religion and how much is it about popular politics in Indonesia today? How has Ahok’s own political style played a part? Dr Jemma Purdey discusses these issues and more with Professor Ariel Heryanto in the latest Talking Indonesia podcast.

Indonesia at Melbourne: 2016 in review
Elections, Foreign Policy, Human Rights, Law, Politics, Public health, Religion, ReviewIn our final post for 2016, we send off this rather depressing year by taking a look back at some of the expert commentary and analysis published on Indonesia at Melbourne. Thanks again for your loyal readership and support, and we look forward to seeing you again in mid-January.

Bukan sekedar Ahok: menjelaskan aksi massa pada 2 Desember
Analysis, Politics, ReligionApakah signifikansi "Aksi Bela Islam III" secara politik dan agama? Apakah besarnya demonstrasi tersebut adalah bukti lebih lanjut tentang penguatan konservatisme Islam di Indonesia? Associate Professor Greg Fealy menyajikan analisa mendalam tentang demo 2 Desember dan konsekuensinya bagi demokrasi Indonesia.
Mobocracy? Counting the cost of the rallies to 'defend Islam'
Analysis, Politics, ReligionPolice Chief Tito Karnavian has said that about AU$7.65 million was spent on security for the rallies to "defend Islam" on 4 November and 2 December. But as Ihsan Ali-Fauzi writes, these material costs are only part of the picture. Of far greater significance is that the protests have eroded the foundations of democracy and undermined the influence of "moderate" Muslim leaders.
Bigger than Ahok: explaining the 2 December mass rally
Analysis, Politics, ReligionWhat is the political and religious significance of the massive protest to "defend Islam" in Central Jakarta on 2 December? Does the huge turnout indicate a hardening of mainstream Muslim attitudes in Indonesia? Associate Professor Greg Fealy presents a comprehensive analysis of the events of 2 December and their consequences for Indonesian democracy.
Talking Indonesia: Ahok, race, religion & democracy
Religion, Talking IndonesiaOn 16 November, police declared Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, or Ahok, a suspect for blasphemy over a speech he made in which he quoted a verse from the Qur’an. Why have Ahok’s comments provoked such an intense reaction in Indonesia, and what can we learn from this case about the position of non-Muslims and ethnic Chinese Indonesians in Indonesian democracy? Dr Dave McRae speaks to Dr Nadirsyah Hosen about the case.