Posts with tag: Fatwa
Talking Indonesia: the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI)
Religion, Talking IndonesiaWhat does the growing influence of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) mean for the future of Indonesian democracy? Dr Dirk Tomsa reflects on this issue and more with Dr Saskia Schäfer in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.
Is MUI beyond reform? Don't be so sure
Analysis, ReligionIf MUI is here to stay, what can be done to ensure it plays a more productive role in Indonesian democracy? Ibnu Nadzir looks at the possibilities for reforming the body.
Fair trade and fatwas: the new halal product regime
Analysis, ReligionMajor changes are coming for the certification and marketing of halal products in Indonesia. Dr Stewart Fenwick examines the new halal regime, which he warns could see the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) gain influence over most areas of commercial and industrial activity in the country.
What is a fatwa and what does it mean for Indonesian policy?
Explainer, ReligionThe Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) has made headlines recently over its controversial fatwa against the Gafatar movement and the LGBT community. Tim Mann takes a look at the council, and the extent to which its fatwa are able to influence policy and legal decisions in Indonesia.