Posted in: Explainer

Indonesian regional elections: What you need to know

Indonesian voters will go to the polls on Wednesday to elect their local leaders in their first-ever nationwide simultaneous regional elections (pilkada). The upcoming electoral contests will mark the end of a busy election year, with a new president and lawmakers sworn in a few weeks ago.

What does Indonesia’s new capital mean for Jakarta and the ASEAN headquarters?

Joko Widodo's plan to move Indonesia's capital from Jakarta to the new capital city of Nusantara looks set to continue. What does this mean for the future of Jakarta? The Indonesian government have insisted Jakarta will become a 'global city' but it is not clear whether the city will retain the ASEAN headquarters.

OECD: Why is Indonesia trying to join ‘the rich club’?

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On 2 May 2024, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) presented Airlangga Hartarto, the Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, with a roadmap to guide accession discussions with Indonesia. The OECD review could have a big impact on Indonesia’s political and economic system. So what’s in it for Indonesia?

Explainer: Jokowi’s omnibus bills, and why critics want to put on the brakes

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Is this the end of the road for Jokowi’s omnibus approach to lawmaking? M. Nur Sholikin explains what it is, and why it has encountered such strong resistance.

Explainer: will the 2019 elections be fair?

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The size and complexity of Indonesia's fast approaching 2019 elections means unfairness is an ever-present threat in all aspects of the process. Titi Anggarini, the director of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), runs through some of the most pressing concerns.

The Soeharto family: where are they now?

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President Soeharto left office in 1998 amid public fury about the special treatment given to his six children. Dr Helen Pausacker writes that in the 20 years since, Soeharto's children have seen their influence decline, but continue to live prosperous lives and have made several attempts to launch political careers of their own.

The DPR inquiry into the KPK: what’s it really all about?

Ignoring protests from the public, and some of its own members, the House of Representatives (DPR) recently launched a special inquiry into the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Rifqi Assegaf explains the significance and likely impact of the contentious inquiry.

Q&A: Melissa Crouch on the Blasphemy Law

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Police declared Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, or Ahok, a suspect for blasphemy last week, following major protests from hard-line religious groups. How has the 1965 Blasphemy Law been used in democratic Indonesia? What type of behaviour is typically deemed blasphemous? Is Ahok likely to receive a fair trial? We spoke to Dr Melissa Crouch, who has published widely on the Blasphemy Law, about these questions and more.

What is a fatwa and what does it mean for Indonesian policy?

The Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) has made headlines recently over its controversial fatwa against the Gafatar movement and the LGBT community. Tim Mann takes a look at the council, and the extent to which its fatwa are able to influence policy and legal decisions in Indonesia.

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