Posts with tag: Media freedom

Is it time for Indonesia’s media to act on growing Chinese influence?
Foreign Policy, MediaSince 2019, China has greatly expanded its efforts to influence media in Indonesia.

Talking Indonesia: digital journalism
Media, Talking IndonesiaHow is VICE Indonesia tackling the challenges of the local digital media landscape? Tito Ambyo chats to Ardyan M Erlangga in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.

Indonesia needs a strong public interest defence to stem the tide of online defamation cases
Human Rights, Law"Guidelines" for implementation of the so-called ITE Law are not enough. Indonesia needs to follow the example of other countries and include a strong public interest defence in the law.

Attempts to revise draconian ITE Law stumble
Human Rights, LawThe Information and Electronic Transactions Law has become so distorted from its original function that it has now emerged as one of the greatest threats to freedom of expression in Indonesia.

Media oligarchs fail to adapt, attack social media creators instead
Law, Media, SocietyThe effort of RCTI and iNews to challenge the Broadcasting Law should be seen for what it is, writes Wahyudi Akmaliah, a panicked move by oligarchic media that have not been able to adapt to a changing media environment.

Digital democracy: Bintang Emon, buzzers and the itch to express
Media, SocietySocial media stars are playing an important role in shaping what democracy looks and feels like in the digital age, writes Tito Ambyo.
Talking Indonesia: the media and elections
Media, Political parties, Politics, Talking IndonesiaHow do Indonesia's often politically active media bosses interfere in the lives of journalists? What are the implications of Jokowi’s victory for the media? Dr Dirk Tomsa chats to Hellena Souisa in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.
Partisan players: television and the elections
2019 Indonesian Elections, Analysis, Elections, Media, PoliticsHas there been any change in media partisanship since the highly polarised 2014 elections? Hellena Souisa looks at the state of the media ahead of the 2019 polls.
Ahmad Taufik: the face of media freedom in Indonesia
Media, SocietyTempo journalist and founder of the Association of Independent Journalists (AJI), Ahmad Taufik, died on 23 March. Taufik's friend and colleague, Andreas Harsono, reflects on the life of a courageous journalist, who was sent to prison by the Soeharto regime for his defence of media freedom.