Posts with tag: Minority rights
Talking Indonesia: transgender women and public space
Gender, Human Rights, Talking IndonesiaHow have transgender women navigated public life in the world’s largest Muslim society? In Talking Indonesia this week, Dr Annisa Beta discusses how transgender women have negotiated citizenship and belonging in postcolonial Indonesia with Dr Benjamin Hegarty.
Deaf students demand rights as a minority language group
Education, Human Rights, Linguistics, Policies, SocietyHigh university drop-out rates for deaf students point to the need for education in their mother tongue, writes Alies Poetri Lintangsari.
Talking Indonesia: persecuted minorities
Gender, Human Rights, Society, Talking IndonesiaWhat have been the main advances in the rights of sexual and gender minorities since 1998? What are the main threats to these gains, and where are they coming from? Dr Jemma Purdey chats to Dede Oetomo in the latest episode of the Talking Indonesia podcast.
Explainer: will the 2019 elections be fair?
2019 Indonesian Elections, Elections, Explainer, Political parties, PoliticsThe size and complexity of Indonesia's fast approaching 2019 elections means unfairness is an ever-present threat in all aspects of the process. Titi Anggarini, the director of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), runs through some of the most pressing concerns.