Talking Indonesia: women writers in the colonial era
Gender, HistorySoenting Melajoe was the first newspaper for women published in West Sumatra during the colonial era in the Dutch East Indies. Bronwyn Beech Jones's PhD looks at how women and girls from Sumatra articulated their experiences and conceived of themselves, their communities and aspirations in Malay language periodicals published between 1912 and 1929.
Campaign costs impeding women’s political representation in Indonesia
2024 Indonesian Elections, Gender, PoliticsThere are several factors frustrating women’s political representation including voter beliefs about women’s leadership, gendered processes of candidate selection in political parties and the low numbers of women holding senior positions in the civil service. However, the possibility of improving women’s political representation in the upcoming February 2024 elections will also depend on overcoming arguably the biggest impediment to their election: money.
Why is Indonesia still failing victims of domestic violence?
Gender, LawThere were about 18,000 reports of violence in Indonesia from January 1 to September 2023. Women were the victims in 16,000 of these and around 11,000 cases related to acts of domestic violence. So where has Indonesia gone wrong in protecting women and children from domestic violence?
Talking Indonesia: religion, gender and migrant worker identity
Gender, Migration, Talking IndonesiaThe World Bank estimated in 2016 that over 8.9 billion US dollars flowed back to Indonesia via remittances. However, it is limiting to view the experiences of overseas workers purely in economic terms. Lis Kramer's guest today, Dr Lailatul Fitriyah, has researched and published on the migrant worker experience through an intersectional lens, focusing on how gender and religion shape the lived experiences of women working overseas.
Shinta Ratri, champion of inclusive theology, dies at 60
Gender, Religion, Top StoriesThe prominent leader of an Islamic school for trans women died on 1 February.
Best of 2022
Arts, Economy, Elections, Foreign Policy, Gender, Human Rights, Law, Media, Politics, Society, Talking Indonesia, Top StoriesIndonesia at Melbourne will again be taking a short break over the New Year period. Here we present the articles and episodes that attracted your attention in 2022. We look forward to seeing you again in early 2023!
The toxic masculinity of Indonesia’s police was on full display in Malang
Gender, Security, Top StoriesAustralia should reflect on its role in financing and militarising Indonesia's police force.
Talking Indonesia: Muslim women scholars
Gender, Religion, Talking IndonesiaWhat are some of the biggest challenges faced by Muslim women leaders in Indonesia? Tito Ambyo chats to Dwi Rubiyanti Kholifah about the Congress of Indonesian Women Ulama in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.
Talking Indonesia: the Sexual Violence Law
Gender, Talking IndonesiaWhat does the newly passed Law on Sexual Violence (UU TPKS) achieve for victims of sexual violence? Dr Jacqui Baker chats to Andy Yentriyani from Komnas Perempuan in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.