Talking Indonesia - women and Islamist extremism
Gender, Religion, Security, Talking IndonesiaWhy do women join extremist networks? What roles do they play in these networks? Dr Dirk Tomsa discusses these questions and more with Nava Nuraniyah in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.
Baiq Nuril, the ITE Law and #MeToo Indonesian style
Analysis, Gender, Law, MediaDr Helen Pausacker takes a closer look at the case of Baiq Nuril, convicted after recording sexual harassment by her employer, and how it compares to other convictions under the problematic ITE Law.
Photo essay: women march in face of anti-feminist backlash
Analysis, Gender, Religion, SocietyFollowing their post on the recent International Women’s Day march, Dr Monika Winarnita and Gavin Height report on the Women’s March Jakarta, which saw even greater numbers turn out for action against sexual violence.
Talking Indonesia: anti-feminism
2019 Indonesian Elections, Gender, Politics, Religion, Talking IndonesiaWho are the women at the forefront of the new wave of conservative female activism? What motivates them and what are their main goals and strategies? Dr Dirk Tomsa chats to Dyah Ayu Kartika in the latest episode of the Talking Indonesia podcast.
To achieve real representation, women need more power in political parties
2019 Indonesian Elections, Analysis, Elections, Gender, Policies, Policy in Focus, Political parties, PoliticsIn the legislative election on Wednesday, 40% of candidates will be women. Julia Ikasarana and Mia Novitasari take a closer look at the state of women’s representation in Indonesian politics.
Never mind Industry 4.0, domestic workers are already being dehumanised
2019 Indonesian Elections, Analysis, Gender, Human Rights, Law, Policy in FocusNo need to wait for the fourth industrial revolution, dehumanisation is already a reality for informal domestic workers in Indonesia, writes M. Nur Sholikin.
Women among the fishers
Analysis, Gender, Policies, PoliticsWomen’s contributions to fishing communities often go unnoticed. Dr Iqra Anugrah reports on several women who are engaging in policy advocacy to make a real difference for fishing communities.
Diverse voices call for government to eliminate violence against women
Analysis, Gender, Human RightsHundreds of Indonesian women marked International Women's Day on 8 March by marching through Central Jakarta and demanding action against violence and harassment of women. Dr Monika Winarnita and Gavin Height take a look at the broad range of groups and individuals who participated.
Child marriage: Constitutional Court finally ditches religious arguments
Analysis, Gender, LawThe Constitutional Court recently ruled that the current marriageable age of 16 for girls was unconstitutional. Dr Dina Afrianty examines the landmark decision – a remarkably different outcome to the last time the Court heard the issue.