Posted in: Religion

When religion meets Covid-19 in Indonesia: more than a matter of conservatives and moderates

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It is overly simplistic to label those who defy recommendations on physical distancing to worship at mosques, churches and temples as radicals or extremists, writes Dr Nadirsyah Hosen.

Talking Indonesia: regulating Islamic preachers

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How realistic are proposals to regulate Islamic preaching in Indonesia? Dr Dirk Tomsa discusses this and other questions with Professor Julian Millie in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.

The anti-sexual violence bill: a clash of values or politics?

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A draft bill on the elimination of sexual violence has become a battleground for pro-democracy movements against rising religious conservatism, write Anna Margret and Yolanda Pandjaitan.

Best of 2019: Talking Indonesia

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2019 was a big year for Talking Indonesia. Here we present the 10 episodes that were most popular with podcast subscribers over the past year.

Best of 2019: articles

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Indonesia at Melbourne will again be taking a break over the Christmas and New Year period. Here we list the most popular articles, plus a few of our favourites, from 2019. We look forward to seeing you again when we return in mid-January.

The politics of the label 'radical'

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The Indonesian government has recently issued a decree on addressing "radicalism" among civil servants. Kate Grealy warns that vague definitions of radicalism mean there is a risk the policy could be used to silence the government's opponents.

Sign of the times? Indonesia takes the (halal) cake

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It was only a matter of time before Indonesia its own controversy around cakes and religious freedom. Dr Stewart Fenwick examines the incident and looks at why it prompted such a strong backlash.

Contemporary Indonesian marriage: who marries whom and why it matters

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Dr Ariane Utomo examines the changing nature of Indonesian marriages, and how considerations of age gap, education, ethnicity and religion play a role in partner choice.

Criminalising the mentally ill: schizophrenic woman to face court for blasphemy

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On 9 October, a schizophrenic woman who brought her dog into a mosque will face trial for alleged blasphemy. Lawyer Barita Lumbanbatu takes a closer look at the case.

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