Posts with tag: Technology

Talking Indonesia: supernaturalism online
Society, Talking IndonesiaWhat is it about the supernatural that so captivates Indonesians? Why has YouTube become such a fertile platform for this genre of entertainment? Dr Jemma Purdey chats to new Talking Indonesia host Tito Ambyo in the first episode of the podcast for 2022.

Talking Indonesia: Covid-19, economic recovery and the knowledge economy
Economy, Policy in Focus, Talking IndonesiaWhat will Indonesia's recovery from the economic impacts of Covid-19 look like? What are the prospects for a transition to a knowledge-based economy post-pandemic? Dr Dave McRae chats to Professor Arief Anshory Yusuf in a special Policy in Focus episode of Talking Indonesia.

As home learning drags on, students and teachers are beginning to suffer
Covid-19, Education, Top StoriesAfter 18 months of home learning, psychological strain and boredom among students and parents is setting in.

Talking Indonesia: digital literacy
Society, Talking IndonesiaHow do Indonesians negotiate issues of safety, security and ethics online? How well are they able to discern fact from fiction? Dr Annisa Beta chats to Dr Novi Kurnia in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.

Best of 2020
AnalysisIndonesia at Melbourne will again be taking a break over the Christmas and New Year period. Here we list the most popular articles and podcast episodes, plus a few of our favourites, from 2020. We look forward to seeing you again when we return in January.

Talking Indonesia: women and digital da'wa
Religion, Talking IndonesiaWhy are female Islamic activists increasingly choosing social media for their activism? How does their activism differ from conventional proselytisation? Dr Dirk Tomsa discusses these issues and more with Dr Annisa Beta in Talking Indonesia.
Hard times for pesantren facing Covid-19
Education, Policy in Focus, Public health, ReligionIslamic boarding schools are among the worst affected by the pandemic, writes Professor Jamhari Makruf.
The false promise of ‘millennials’ and the digital economy
Corruption, Economy, Politics, SocietyRecent weeks have seen questions raised about the "millennial" special staffers in President Joko Widodo's inner circle. Ibnu Nadzir writes that these controversies are more than simply matters of poor governance.
Talking Indonesia: digital economy
Economy, Policy in Focus, Talking IndonesiaHow will Indonesia change as the digital economy expands? And what role will government and the private sector play in this transformation? Dr Dave McRae chats to Putri Alam from Google Indonesia in Talking Indonesia.