Posts with tag: Workers
Labour Party revives for 2024 elections
Elections, Politics, Top StoriesRecent attacks on workers' rights have galvanised the union sector and prompted the revival of the Indonesian Labour Party.
Will Indonesia’s 4.0 revolution leave women behind?
GenderIndonesia has enthusiastically taken up the term Industry 4.0 but the government has yet to consider how the fourth industrial revolution will affect women, write Joseph Marshan and Ruth Nikijuluw.
Freelancers forgotten amid the Covid-19 pandemic
Analysis, Economy, Human RightsFreelance workers in the creative industry are already vulnerable to exploitation. Fathimah Fildzah Izzati writes that many are suffering because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the government has shown little interest in helping them.
Why do millions of Indonesian women still quit work after marriage and kids?
Gender, Policies, Policy in Focus, SocietyLisa Cameron and Diana Contreras Suarez make the case for better policies for women’s empowerment and the national economy.
Why is the Industrial Relations Court failing workers?
Analysis, LawDemonstrations on International Labour Day have recently featured somewhat surprising calls for the dissolution of the Industrial Relations Court. Dr Herlambang P Wiratraman looks at why the court - originally intended to provide greater protection for workers' rights - has failed to live up to its promise.