Farewell Adnan Buyung Nasution
LawWhen Professor Adnan Buyung Nasution died on 23 September, Indonesia lost one of its foremost thinkers on law and human rights. Professor Tim Lindsey reflects on the life and achievements of the founder of the Legal Aid Institute (LBH).
Q&A: Todung Mulya Lubis on judicial reform
Interview, LawProfessor Todung Mulya Lubis is one of Indonesia's most respected lawyers and a champion of human rights and judicial reform. Indonesia at Melbourne spoke to Pak Mulya about the future of reform in the justice sector and the controversial Jakarta International School cases.
Missing history? Jimly Asshiddiqie on the death penalty in Indonesia
Death Penalty, Interview, LawFormer Constitutional Court Chief Justice Professor Jimly Asshiddiqie has been a longstanding advocate for the abolition of the death penalty. Indonesia at Melbourne spoke to Jimly about the future of the death penalty ahead of his lecture at Melbourne Law School.
The Constitutional Court: promoting corruption?
Corruption, Elections, LawThe former Indonesian deputy minister of justice and human rights, Denny Indrayana, writes on what the Constitutional Court got wrong in its recent decisions on regional elections and ex-convicts.
Jokowi’s dilemma: amnesty or clemency for political prisoners?
Human Rights, LawAfter granting clemency to five Papuans in May, Jokowi's efforts to release more political prisoners have met with little success. Assistant Professor Daniel Pascoe explains the difference between amnesty and clemency, and how neither option looks like it will allow Jokowi to deliver on his promise. Photo by Øystein Solvang/NHD