Posted in: Analysis

Covid-19, inequality and Jakarta’s urban poor: resilient, but at great risk

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As Indonesia grapples with the spread of Covid-19, a disproportionate burden and risk is being worn by the urban poor. Dr Ian Wilson looks at the ways in which the urban poor are taking action in the face of limited government support.

Getting the numbers on coronavirus in Indonesia

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Modelling indicates an urgent need for action by the government, health authorities, and the public, writes Ben Phillips

Is democracy a help or a hindrance in fighting pandemics?

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Scholars have said China had an "authoritarian advantage" in responding to SARS in 2002-2003. But Robertus Robet writes that in the case of Covid-19, there appears to be no such advantage.

Investment at all costs: Jokowi fails the coronavirus test

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President Joko Widodo's focus on the economy led him to initially ignore the seriousness of the coronavirus threat, writes Ahmad Syarif Syechbubakr.

Learning (or failing to learn) from the lessons of the 1918 Spanish Flu

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Ravando Lie looks at what lessons the colonial government's experience with the 1918 Spanish Flu could provide for Indonesia as it struggles to get on top of Covid-19.

Girls do better than boys at school in Indonesia – if they get the chance

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Indonesian girls are now outperforming boys in both literacy and numeracy in the early grades. But as Senza Arsendy and George Sukoco write, the picture is more complicated at the high school level.

The 2020 Prolegnas: here we go again

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The national legislature (DPR) recently published its long list of priority bills (Prolegnas) for 2020. Rizky Argama looks at some of the problematic bills planned for deliberation and how the process could be better managed.

Who to believe: social media or government? The challenge of coronavirus in Indonesia

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In a disease outbreak like coronavirus, who should the public trust? Conversely, how can the government show that it is a trustworthy source of information? Krishna Hort, Angus Campbell and Tiara Marthias look at the challenges of health communication.

Will IA-CEPA be the boost to Australia-Indonesia relations leaders are banking on?

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Donny Pasaribu and Krisna Gupta are sceptical about Indonesia and Australia's new trade agreement, but suggest it may yet offer benefits for the bilateral relationship.

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