What’s in a name? Terminology for Christian holidays in the spotlight
Policy in Focus, ReligionOn 12 September Muhadjir Effendy, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, announced a change in nomenclature for Christian national holidays. The decision was made to adopt the term “Yesus Kristus”, the name of Jesus Christ used by Indonesian Christians, instead of “Isa al-Masih”, the Arabic term used for Jesus in the Qur’an. Although intended to protect Indonesia’s diverse religious traditions, the policy change reflects how easily religious policies can become a point of contestation among Indonesia’s religiously diverse communities.

The PKB-PKS coalition: don’t underestimate a unified Islamic community in 2024
2024 Indonesian Elections, Political parties, ReligionThe union of the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) under the banner of the Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Amin presidential ticket has defied expectations. It is easy to see PKB and PKS as being at opposite ends of a traditionalist-modernist political spectrum. But when we take a longer view of history we can see these different religious orientations do not always preclude collaboration.

Talking Indonesia: pathways to extremism
Religion, SecurityIn the post-Soeharto era, terrorist acts have drawn attention through a handful of small, but committed, jihadist organisations conducting targeted bombings. In this week's episode, Elisabeth Kramer chats with guest Dr Julie Chernov Hwang about how social networks facilitate entry into and exit from jihadist groups in Southeast Asia.

The fight for Nahdlatul Ulama in 2024
2024 Indonesian Elections, Politics, ReligionAs Indonesia prepares for the 2024 general elections, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) – the nation's largest religious organisation – finds itself in at the centre of a political tug of war as presidential candidates and political parties actively jostle for its endorsement. NU’s leaders need to keep in mind that competition for NU’s endorsement has the potential to influence not only the country's political landscape, but also the organisation itself.

Blasphemy cases highlight legal inconsistencies
Human Rights, Law, ReligionIndonesian social media figure Lina Mukherjee was reported to police after a TikTok video of her eating pork went viral on social media. The case highlights the inconsistent application of blasphemy laws throughout Indonesia.

Islam and the 2024 presidential election: moving towards a consensus candidate?
2024 Indonesian Elections, Politics, ReligionThe Defending Islam rallies in 2016 and 2017 and the very polarising Indonesian presidential election of 2019 suggest the role of Islam in the 2024 election will be more significant than ever. But how will Muslims vote on election day?
Beyond Syaikh Zayed Grand Mosque: the UAE and Arab-Indonesian relations
Economy, Foreign Policy, ReligionWhat is behind the growing ties between Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates?
Shinta Ratri, champion of inclusive theology, dies at 60
Gender, Religion, Top StoriesThe prominent leader of an Islamic school for trans women died on 1 February.
Is West Sumatra on the verge of an intolerance and violent extremism crisis?
Law, Religion, SecurityThere are indications of growing intolerance and violent extremism in West Sumatra. A new law could make matters worse.