Posts with tag: Palm oil

How can Indonesia better protect the rights of oil palm smallholder farmers?
Economy, Environment, Human RightsThe government’s recent decision to ban palm oil exports has shone a light on the many governance problems in the palm oil industry.

History repeats: Langkat case exposes the long history of slavery on plantations
Corruption, Environment, Human Rights, Top StoriesThe alleged abuse of plantation workers by the Langkat district head shocked Indonesia. But the exploitation of plantation workers follows a pattern established as far back as the colonial era.

Best of 2019: Talking Indonesia
Aid & Development, Arts, Corruption, Economy, Elections, Environment, Gender, Human Rights, Infrastructure, Law, Natural Resources, Policies, Religion, Security, Talking Indonesia2019 was a big year for Talking Indonesia. Here we present the 10 episodes that were most popular with podcast subscribers over the past year.

Talking Indonesia: palm oil and indigenous peoples
Environment, Human Rights, Talking IndonesiaAs palm oil plantations expand rapidly across Papua, what are its impacts on the forests and peoples whose culture and livelihoods are inextricably linked to them? Dr Jemma Purdey discusses this and more with Dr Sophie Chao in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.

Fires spark hope for improved law enforcement
Analysis, EnvironmentMuch of Kalimantan and Sumatra remains blanketed in a thick haze from agricultural fires, leading to respiratory illnesses and infuriating Indonesia's Southeast Asian neighbours. Tessa Toumbourou writes that strengthening land governance is vital to avoiding future burning seasons.