Posts with tag: Papua

Talking Indonesia: acknowledging past rights violations
Human Rights, Talking IndonesiaWhy has President Joko Widodo suddenly acknowledged past violations of human rights? Dr Jemma Purdey speaks to Dr Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.

The return of Indonesia's Human Rights Court brings new promise and old problems
Human Rights, LawThe first case heard at the Human Rights Court in more than 16 years saw some improvements in the performance of judges and efforts to guarantee transparency, but many familiar problems.

Megawati’s ‘joke’ exposes the classist and racist views of the political elite
Politics, SocietyFormer President Megawati Soejarnoputri has been widely criticised for comments she made about West Papuans and meatball soup sellers (tukang bakso).

Farewell Richard Chauvel (1946–2022)
Education, HistoryEdward Aspinall reflects on the life and career of the much-respected scholar of eastern Indonesia, Richard Chauvel, who died on 1 April.

Best of 2021
Arts, Corruption, Covid-19, Economy, Foreign Policy, Gender, Human Rights, Law, Politics, Religion, Security, SocietyIndonesia at Melbourne will be taking a short break over the New Year period. Here we present the articles and episodes that attracted your attention in 2021. We look forward to seeing you again in mid-January 2022!

Luhut reporting activists for defamation is another blow to freedom of expression
Human Rights, LawLuhut Binsar Pandjaitan's report against human rights activists Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti is the latest case in a worrying trend where public officials have weaponised defamation provisions to silence critics.
Talking Indonesia: Papua and special autonomy
Human Rights, Security, Talking IndonesiaWhat impact, if any, has special autonomy had on ongoing conflict in Papua? What will the recent extension of special autonomy mean for the provinces? Dr Dave McRae discusses these issues and more with Hipolitus Wangge in the latest episode of Talking Indonesia.
The Indonesian government's approach to Papua is starting to look like insanity
Human Rights, SecurityJakarta has repeatedly taken a security approach to addressing problems in Papua, a pattern reflected in its recent decision to label armed separatist groups in Papua as terrorists.
First ‘separatists’, now ‘terrorists’: another way for Indonesia to avoid solving West Papuans' historical grievances
Human Rights, Security, Top StoriesThe government's recent decision to label West Papuan resistance groups as ‘terrorists’ will have serious implications for the future of conflict resolution in the region.