Indonesia is one of the world’s largest democracies, but it’s weaponising defamation laws to smother dissent
Law, Natural ResourcesTwo former coordinators of one of Indonesia’s most prominent human rights organisations have escaped conviction in a defamation case brought by a powerful government minister. While their astonishing acquittal is welcome, the case marked a bleak new low for freedom of expression in one of the world’s largest democracies.
Best of 2022
Arts, Economy, Elections, Foreign Policy, Gender, Human Rights, Law, Media, Politics, Society, Talking Indonesia, Top StoriesIndonesia at Melbourne will again be taking a short break over the New Year period. Here we present the articles and episodes that attracted your attention in 2022. We look forward to seeing you again in early 2023!
Australia has changed government for the first time in nine years. Does Indonesia care?
Foreign PolicyHow has the Labor Party's victory in the Australian election on 21 May been welcomed in Indonesia?
Indonesia finally has a law to protect victims of sexual violence. But the struggle is not over yet.
Gender, Law, Top StoriesAfter more than a decade of advocacy, Indonesia now has a new law on sexual violence, establishing a much-needed legal framework to strengthen the rights of victims.
Best of 2021
Arts, Corruption, Covid-19, Economy, Foreign Policy, Gender, Human Rights, Law, Politics, Religion, Security, SocietyIndonesia at Melbourne will be taking a short break over the New Year period. Here we present the articles and episodes that attracted your attention in 2021. We look forward to seeing you again in mid-January 2022!
Attempts to revise draconian ITE Law stumble
Human Rights, LawThe Information and Electronic Transactions Law has become so distorted from its original function that it has now emerged as one of the greatest threats to freedom of expression in Indonesia.
Best of 2020
AnalysisIndonesia at Melbourne will again be taking a break over the Christmas and New Year period. Here we list the most popular articles and podcast episodes, plus a few of our favourites, from 2020. We look forward to seeing you again when we return in January.
Best of 2019: Talking Indonesia
Aid & Development, Arts, Corruption, Economy, Elections, Environment, Gender, Human Rights, Infrastructure, Law, Natural Resources, Policies, Religion, Security, Talking Indonesia2019 was a big year for Talking Indonesia. Here we present the 10 episodes that were most popular with podcast subscribers over the past year.
Best of 2019: articles
2019 Indonesian Elections, Analysis, Corruption, Gender, Human Rights, Law, Political parties, Politics, Religion, Society, Urban planningIndonesia at Melbourne will again be taking a break over the Christmas and New Year period. Here we list the most popular articles, plus a few of our favourites, from 2019. We look forward to seeing you again when we return in mid-January.